Welcome To 52k Words With Deepak Shukla

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello guys, Deepak here. So right now it’s 8:09 am and I’m sitting in Costa, West Kensington with my hot chocolate determined to start writing for the next 60 minutes and just to see what happens. I had the harebrained idea after reading Indie Hackers blogs voraciously over the last several weeks (well maybe a […]

My Plan To Build A 7-Figure Tattoo Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes So a couple of days back, I was asked if I had a business plan for the tattoo shop I wanted to start – So I thought I’d use it as an opportunity to put a blog post together on this subject. Let’s get into it: The initial capex will come from my agency (as […]

Things I Would Like To Get Back Into Doing

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, The time is 6.50 am on Sun 28th August. It’s nice to get back into writing again. I find it a most comforting place.  As time passes, I find being around people more and more tiresome. It’s weird to think that a decade ago – all I enjoyed was actually being around […]

Getting Back Into Writing

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hey guys,  The time is 11.54 am on the 27th of August 2022, and I’m back here really just aiming to put anything down to paper at this stage. I’m switching up some of the elements regarding how I write. I have (as you noticed) not bothered with screenshotting proof of the actual date as […]

Buying And Scaling The Growth Of A Specialty Cafe

Buying And Scaling The Growth Of A Specialty Cafe

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hi all, Here’s today’s date and time, and it’s the first time I’ve written something in a long-while – so it’s damn nice to put paper to pen again and share a little more of my journey with you. Today – we’re going to be talking about a speciality cafe that I’m going to be […]

My Journey In Building Pearl Lemon Cafe

My Journey In Building Pearl Lemon Cafe

Reading Time: 8 minutes Right. Here’s the time as per usual: I want to walk you through my plan with Pearl Lemon Cafe – something that in many ways has been in the making for a few years now. Let’s go from the top: How deciding to launch a Cafe came about Strawberry, my partner, will soon be graduating […]

Building A Scholarship Programme

Building A Scholarship Programme

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time, and today I want to talk about the scholarship programme I’m building with Josh supporting me. Today’s blog is more written out of frustration as I’m not executing upon the tasks I’m meant to be doing and things are just sliding. So the basic premise of the programme is […]

My journey in building a gaming studio

My journey in building a gaming studio

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’m a little worried because I’m meant to have hired a team to build games for Roblox by now – but I’ve not made the most concerted effort with building this out. I’ve also discovered that having taken a brief look at Roblox itself – I know zero about how to even […]

The Challenging Nature Of Waiting For Development

The Challenging Nature Of Waiting For Development

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’m working on trying to speed up development across the board and I’m still at loggerheads with the entire process. You’ll see the same in my discussion with Kaushal below: I think he typifies it best when he mentions that ‘it’s not like the way you work normally’. This probably is the […]

Is This a Journal or a Blog?


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Hey all, I’ve made an important decision about how I’m going to think about this blog. I’m going to rename it a journal. Because let’s be honest. I’m not doing any of this for ‘SEO’ or for ‘Traffic’ but rather I’m doing this to help clear my mind and to figure things out in […]

Our No-Code & Bubble Development Journey Update

Our No-Code & Bubble Development Journey Update

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all – Here’s the time: I thought I’d give you an update on our entire bubble development journey: I had an impressive shock when I looked at how many teams I’ve paid/allocated to build this Bubble journey together with: As you can see there are 7 groups here – and overall 6 teams […]

Updates on our A.I Content Studio

Updates on our A.I Content Studio

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Here is the time and I thought I’d share with you what’s happening in the world of our A.I content studio. So we’ve identified multiple niches in which we’re going to be building content which are: Car finance Freelancing insights T-shirt selling Pallets Cats Plants We’re also rolling out A.I content across […]

How to Make Your Team Ultraproductive

How to Make Your Team Ultraproductive

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Afternoon all 🙂 Here’s the time right now and I’ve got around 8 minutes to put something useful together. I want to run through how to make your team effective (or rather more effective than ever before). This blog is going to be less filled with prose and more filled with lists of insights […]

The 80/20 of the 80/20 Part 1

The 80-20 of the 80-20 Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time. Ideally, I’d like to get to writing these blogs by 6 am – so let’s see how the next week goes. I’ve just started listening to this book and it’s nice to be back listening to entrepreneurial content after taking something of a hiatus to read some other types […]

How To Hire A Development Company

How To Hire A Development Company

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all – the time is: I want to walk through my current hiring process in regards to finding a ‘No-Code’ development team In a previous article, I spoke about my desire to build a development team and the essential nightmares I’ve had when it comes to getting a product as well as a […]

Building A Feline Empire One Blog At A Time

Building A Feline Empire One Blog At A Time

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, So here’s the date and time today – and I want to share with you my journey into building an ‘empire’ around cats. So around 6 weeks ago one of my cat’s died unexpectedly – Tommy. It came as a shock to me because it all happened so fast. Around December the […]