Morning all –
Here’s the time:
I thought I’d give you an update on our entire bubble development journey:
I had an impressive shock when I looked at how many teams I’ve paid/allocated to build this Bubble journey together with:
As you can see there are 7 groups here – and overall 6 teams I’m working with in the hopes of identifying ideally 6 (but most likely 0) companies/individuals I can build out more apps with.
To all of them, I’ve explained that I’m looking to productise this into a ‘No-Code Startup Studio’ where we’ll release one tool per month and build a standard launch process for this (which will likely include the A.I content studio)
Actually, I’ve already put plans in place with the teams to see how they can work together on our goals:
So let’s get back to the Bubble development journey –
So, of the 6-teams – 4 have actively started, 1 is in spec planning and another is scheduled to begin working in March.
At the moment what’s happening is:
- Tenny will be organising weekly calls with the respective development teams
- We have Whatsapp groups set up with each of the teams
- Tenny will record an overall video update of the progress on a weekly basis
- I have bought in Celeste to assist with overall project management on the No-Code side of the projects
I’ll put a freeze on hiring new developers now and try and build deeper relationships with the teams I have.
As you can see from the above screenshots I’m working to put the right people together and develop a reporting structure that will allow me to oversee everything from a 10,000 feet view.
In terms of timelines – the longest timeline has been quoted at 2-months and the shortest just a few weeks.
I don’t know what will come from the tools we’ve agreed to work upon – but contracts have been signed, and initial payments have been made.
With one of the teams for Lemjobs, we’re 50/50 partners.
In one of the next blogs, I’ll explain my ‘development hypothesis’ for how I came up with 6-ideas and the rationale behind each of them so that they don’t require too much ‘new’ heavy lifting from a marketing perspective.
Again with these tools, I’m hopeful I can turn them into a 7-figure startup studio – but right now it’s extremely early stage.
However broadly – I’ll go through some of the important elements here:
- Heavy-code failed in terms of quick and sturdy launches – so no-code should do better
- I’m paying for tools now and not joint-venturing
- The developers have all released tools
- The developers are excited (mostly I think) about the prospect of us working together
- I’ll aim within 3-months of launch to get each site up to 100k words using A.I to help power the growth
I won’t talk too much more about this until an update next week!
Catch you then!