How To Revolutionize Your Recruitment Process

How To Revolutionize Your Recruitment Process

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Afternoon everyone, The countdown begins again > Today we talk about building a killer team on a shoestring budget. Not because that’s your budget – but because that’s a powerful way to think about how to grow your team. I want to walk you through what I’ve done to build an agency that has […]

Building a No-Code Startup Studio

Building a No-Code Startup Studio

Reading Time: 3 minutes Morning guys, I’m going to give myself 20 minutes to put this together about my plans to start a ‘No-Code’ startup studio. I’ll begin to walking you through the journey that led me here – I want to build SaaS tools and have been frustrated with finding developers, working with developers – the development times […]

Building An A.I Content Startup Studio

Building An A.I Content Startup Studio

Reading Time: 4 minutes Morning guys. Well here’s today’s time and date. And it feels good to be back and back writing again.  Today I want to talk about how we’re building an A.I startup studio from scratch. So a few months (or maybe a year?) back the SEO community got excited about the commercial release of A.I tools. […]

How to Nail Your Zoom Interview

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve had the pleasure (or misfortune…) of being interviewed hundreds of times. In my time as a student, going through university applications. When I was 12 years old and got my first job delivering papers. On to a job as a mechanic’s assistant, and then another one flat packing boxes in a factory. Even today, […]

Ultimate Productivity Hacks

Reading Time: 12 minutes 33 Productivity Hacks at Work What is Productivity? Productivity can be defined on three levels. On an individual level, productivity at work is the time one spends on productive tasks. On an organizational level, it is the output one achieves with a certain amount of input. At a macroeconomic level, productivity is measured by the […]

Get Paid To Learn To Become The World’s Best


Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey, it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · Get Paid To Learn To Become The World’s Best   Hey, guys, it’s 7:51am on Sunday, Sunday. […]

Why Compounding Is Actually About The Art Of Daily Practice and Ratio Adjustment


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey, it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · Why Compounding Is Actually About The Art Of Daily Practice and Ratio Adjustment   What’s up, guys? […]

The Necessity Of Applying Massive Pressure Upon Yourself


Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey, it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · The Necessity Of Applying Massive Pressure Upon Yourself To Succeed (and how it’ll help you grow) What’s […]

How To Treat Your Podcast Like A Startup


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey, it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · How To Treat Your Podcast Like A Startup – And The One Key Thing It Needs For […]

The Importance Of Being Relentless And Practical Examples


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey, it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · My Plan To Hire Ex Servicemen and Ex Convicts To Scale The Pearl Lemon Group Good morning, […]

10x Thinking To Drive Incredible Results


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life!  Deepak Shukla · The Power Of Unconventional and 10x Thinking To Drive Incredible Results Changes On A Micro Level Today […]

Why You Should Ignore Accepted Norms


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life!  Deepak Shukla · Why You Should Ignore Accepted Norms and Question Conventional Thinking What’s up, guys? The time is […]

How To Scale Your Blog Growth Using The Lean Startup Method

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Afternoon all, I was watching Adam Enfroy’s course ‘Blog Growth Machine’ and heard something that really caught my attention when it comes to how to think about your work. In this instance we’re going to take the example of this blog. As you’ve probably noticed if you’re a regular reader – is that I […]

My Plan To Hire Ex-Convicts And Ex-Servicemen


Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey it’s Deepak Shukla here! Thank you for listening to my podcast – down below you will find the notes and key takeaways from today’s podcast so you can implement them in your everyday life! Deepak Shukla · My Plan To Hire Ex Servicemen and Ex Convicts To Scale The Pearl Lemon Group   Morning […]