The Power Of The 20 minute Pomodoro Technique

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Morning all, Didn’t quite hit my 430am this morning (ended up getting out of bed at 515am) – but it’s challenging when you’ve got into bed late, have a partner who comes to bed a 2.20 am and then a cat that runs up and down your small flat half the night. But – […]

How To Write Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

How To Write Even When You Don't Feel Like It

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all! I’m going to try something very different today. I started writing a blog post before and stopped only 10% of the way through because well – it’s the same title as this blog post. I didn’t feel like writing lol. Even the thought of putting in my standard 20 minutes felt challenging. […]

Building My Investments; Brick By Brick

Building My Investments_ Brick By Brick

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I just completed on my 6th property this week after it taking absolutely ages to come through (it’s been ongoing for months). I’m trying to complete on two more with a sourcing company I work with, and then that’ll be the end of my relationship with them. Yesterday I also had a […]

Trying To Build Organization Amongst The Chaos

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Hi guys, Been a couple of days since I’ve written a blog – and it feels like so much is happening internally. It’s complete chaos for sure. Let me try and break it down for you. So building my sales team continues to be super challenging. I’ve got a combination of people that are […]

Exploring My SEO Breakthroughs Of The Last Month

Exploring My SEO Breakthroughs Of The Last Month

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time, and I’m back from my holidays in Italy and it’s really nice to be back to work after being away. What I want to do today is to explore the different ‘breakthroughs’ I’ve been having when it comes to SEO so I can explore the differences that will make […]

How to get through relentless failure

get through failure

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I’m back again with another blog for the morning – and this time I’m back again to talk about ‘relentless failure’. It’s extremely challenging times for my whole agency because seemingly I’m always finding issues with our work – things we could be doing better and suggestions for how we can do […]

How To Learn How To Take Time Off From Work

take a time off

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Morning all, I’ve been up since 430am even though I’m away on Italy and I’m feeling much much better now that I’m getting up at the time that I enjoy getting up. I’ve just been reading a little, made an Americano and have been checking our keyword results in our keyword tracking tool Nightwatch. […]

Discovering Hidden Keywords In Less Than 5 Minutes

discover hidden keywords

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Afternoon all! Not sure how effective this blog is going to be because I’m violating all the rules I normally live by when I produce this content. It’s the afternoon and I don’t have the ticking sound and I’m listening to Wretch 32 in the background instead of white noise lol: But who cares […]

How To Make The Most Out Of Every Crisis


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, 5.25 am here and I’m sitting at Stansted Airport – I’ve got until 5.50 for the gate to be announced and at that point, I’ll make a move. I’m sitting with my one-shot of espresso flat-white latte and thought I’d put together a blog post while I wait. There’s a brilliant quote […]

Building A Public Relations and Content Team In Kampala, Uganda

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I sent my buddy Luc a video yesterday saying that I’m building a team in Uganda. We used to laugh a couple of years back when Luc was considering upping and moving his family to Kampala in Uganda. It was amusing to think that someone living in London would uproot his family […]

How I’ve Built My Lead Generation Team

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’m headed off to Italy in a couple of days and wanted to take the opportunity to reflect upon the team that has come together. When I say team – there are now two people that have arisen amongst the troops that I think are capable of producing for the agency. This […]

The End Of My SEO Training

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all! It was a sad moment this morning when I realised I’ve signed up for multiple sessions with some SEO experts but my days as a practitioner are no longer the best way to serve the business. I was due to talk to Arvind this morning and had missed our last two sessions…and […]

How To Generate £25,000 In New Business Enquiries Per Month

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I wanted to share a simple strategy with you upon how to build inbound enquiries into any service-based niche you want by following this simple approach. It’s been a while since I’ve written a specific ‘how to’ blog so let’s give it a go: Let’s take the example of Pearl Lemon Properties […]

Brainstorming – My Plans To Grow Serpwizz


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all! I want to continue with the brainstorming I left off with at the end of last week. I’m seeing the value of doing this for every brand of Pearl Lemon so that we can push them further forward. These blogs serve as an instruction manual for growth for each of the brands/businesses […]

The Ultimate Guide To Real Estate Cold Calling: Part 1

real estate

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning guys, At one of my agencies – Pearl Lemon Leads – we’ve just begun a campaign for a Chicago-based realtor. Our role is to ultimately cold call homeowners for them and book appointments. The point person – their lead broker is a very switched-on guy. Mostly – when we’re given lead-generation campaigns to […]

The Power Of Applied Pressure


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Starting much later than normal again today. It’s clear to see the impact that the events of the last few weeks have had on my health. The last few weeks is trying to sort out our lead-generation team to get them as quickly as possible to the standard that’s required to be […]