How To Generate £25,000 In New Business Enquiries Per Month

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Reading Time: 4 minutes


Morning all,

Mon 9 Aug

I wanted to share a simple strategy with you upon how to build inbound enquiries into any service-based niche you want by following this simple approach.

It’s been a while since I’ve written a specific ‘how to’ blog so let’s give it a go:

Let’s take the example of Pearl Lemon Properties because it’s something I wish to grow and I’m sure there are ways to add more relevant service pages to it:

So here are the pages we have currently:


I’ve already noticed we need to remove: Foreign Investors, Stamp Duty, Example Deals & Hot Deal Alerts’ as they aren’t actual services.

Our core service is ‘property sourcing’ fundamentally – and having looked at the list of ‘services’ available on our site – I can see that (as described just above) – they’re largely irrelevant.

So having removed the redundant pages – how now do we replace them?

Well, the first thing I did was to take one of our keywords (or a keyword similar to it) and Google the same term to see what else appears on page 1:

Google Search View

This is useful because it tells me what pages agencies are trying to rank in the SERPS:

‘Bespoke property sourcing’ and ‘Property sourcing agency London’

I then took a quick look at those terms in Ahrefs:

Ahrefs View


Then I took a look in SEMRush (larger database):


It appears!

Even if it’s zero – the fact that it registers tells me that SOMEONE is making some level of search for it.

With this in mind I also then ‘Googled’ bespoke property sourcing to see what comes up:

Google Search View

It looks like there are multiple websites ranking for it – enough to tell me that probably a page 1 ‘top 3’ result could land leads.

Now let me check the competition to see how hard it is to rank (based upon links it’ll be easy as nothing even registers in the SEO tools – and we have a Facebook ranking for this keyword search term –

Here is 2 of the top 3 searches and their SEO metrics:


Ahrefs View

These two would be very easy to outrank – as a reference point here’s our SEO metrics:

Ahrefs View

So just by building a page we could outrank these other searches automatically when we combine it with some onpage SEO as well as internal links.

The actual #1 is Samuel Leeds’ website – although this below is the homepage – and his site has been around since 2017:

Ahrefs View

The actual URL that ranks for this page is as follows:

Ahrefs View

It has no backlinks whatsoever so it’s definitely possible that with 1-2 links we could hit #1, and without them, we could be top #3.

Now let’s take a quick look at the on-page content for one or two of these search results:


Bespokesourcing has its homepage ranking – but hardly any content

Samuel Leeds has a blog of around 750 words with a video embed

Your Property Sourcing has a short homepage of maybe 600 words.


One decent service page of around 1,250 words should do the trick to hit #1 potentially.

Let’s assume the cost of writing such a page is $100.

Well….then that’s your cost. $100 to get it written, the SEO team (or you) can optimize it with keyword selection (basically make it better than the other pages)…

And it’s done.

Now…imagine doing similar research and identifying a load of pages you could do similar things with to rank on Google in the top 3.

(I’m doing just that now on account of writing this blog for our property website).

This is the information I’ve sent to Mel our head content writer about the pages needing to be built for the property website:

Property Site

Whilst our blog is very active – we’ll now focus upon building out several service pages and get on with aiming to rank these pages because all we need per page is 1-2 deals for them to pay for themselves.

Hopefully, this approach (assuming you have some SEO power behind your actual website – if you don’t hire my agency) outlines how you can quickly identify pages you should be building to help grow your business.

I’ve spent a while focussing upon blogs when really – it’s these types of low competition landing pages that will actually drive us new business. 🙂

And if I hit top 3, well you do this for several landing pages (I’ve identified a couple) and quickly you can see how this can drive 3-7 enquiries per month 🙂