When the World Is Playing Defence; It’s Time to Play Offence

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys, The time is 5am. I’m actually switching the way I show you guys images as when I take a picture of my phone it’s via Whatsapp I send it quickly to myself. This leads me onto Whatsapp which leads me to be distracted so I’m going to opt now to show you the […]

How My Newsletter Has Made Me $250,000?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning all, Sunday here and we’ve hit day 24. My plan with these blogs is to make it to day 100 before I actually break for a while and assess what they’ve done for me. The SEO team say for two months they’re not going to run actual ‘SEO’ on my website blog If you […]

How to Deal With Business Conflict?


Reading Time: 5 minutes   Hey guys, It’s day 23 and the time is: Really late start to this blog. I actually woke up at around 630am. The whole week I’ve been getting to bed late (i.e 1030pm more or less) and have been running on less sleep than I would like. Yesterday was no different, but with Saturday […]

The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Lead Generation in 2020

Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning guys, It’s day 22. I’m actually home and not in my usual hotel spot: I made the decision after reading this last night: The world is in something of a meltdown: But hey – if you came here from LinkedIn Lead Generation and you’re wondering what the f*ck. I also keep a daily blog. […]

WhatsApp Hacks, Corona Is Killing Me & Riding the Wave

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning all. Day 21  Officially three weeks into my daily blog 😛 Enjoying the journey so far. Time check: 5.05am I’m starting at today and whilst I’m here I wanted to share another little hack I use: As you can see I’ve got a couple of tabs open in my Chrome browser I’ve got my […]

How to Become a Top Rated Upwork Freelancer?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning guys, Day 20, a nice number to have kept consistent with for almost three weeks now. The time isssss: I started 67 minutes later today (getting out of bed at 5.37am) so that accounts for the time now. I’ll be going out tonight as well but as punishment, I’m going to aim to get […]

The Challenge & Advantages of Being a Solo Founder

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, It’s day 19 and yesterday was something of a turbulent day for me. I operate in a silo. There is no co-founder at Pearl Lemon. I have one for Word Pigeon – but that’s a completely different animal that we shall treat separately. Over the past few weeks, a couple of things have […]

How the Coronavirus Has Affected My Life and Business?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning all. Day 18. Let’s go. _____________________ Strawberry (my partner) returned from Turin (in the North of Italy) on the 23rd of February, just as the whole situation started to develop in Italy. Unless you’ve been living under a rock then you’ll have heard of the Coronavirus – or Covid-19 – the disease this virus […]

My Quest to Grow Brand Pearl Lemon

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning guys, Day 17 is pretty cool.  Starting a little later, but I’ve decided I want to hit 100-day streaks for my activities before I give them up. To support me in that aim I’ve also started using this app The idea is – is that I’m attempting to build powerful new habits to create […]

My Biggest Business Mistakes of the Last Year

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys. Day 16 – back at it: I got to bed pretty late last night at midnight, but today I wanted to wake up ‘on time’, as yesterday I was up late – although I probably will crash later. I was out with my cousin Ajay last night, and we were discussing my agency […]

Starting Exciting New Ventures

Reading Time: 6 minutes Day 15. Coping with my hangover 😛 This is the time I’m starting today’s blog – a full 2.5 hours later than I normally do. Once you build a routine it’s incredible what alcohol can do to destroy it. It was all worth it because I had an opportunity to catch up with my Forex […]

The Power Of Routine

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hello all, It’s nice to hit the two week mark today. Day 14 is definitely a good show. Here’s what the gun says. Here is what is playing: I’ve got this on repeat using this plugin: Today I woke up and Strawberry is feeling a little poorly, and she has an exam today, so I […]

The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys. You know what it is! Day 13 – let’s roll. This is today’s kick-off time. This was my wake up time: And the reason I got to bed so late was that I was doing this: Getting my medical license to start sparring , as I want to have a couple of amateur […]

The Drawbacks & Loneliness of Entrepreneurship

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s day 12. Here we go again – Kick off! Let’s see what ground I break over the next hour! Right now I’m sat in the Hotel Ibis – and minus the overnight Spanish member of staff who works in two jobs and looks like a ghost each time I see him –  It’s me  […]

Why You Shouldn’t Build A $100 Million Startup Yet?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, Day 11! We’re doing it 😛 I managed to write yesterday’s blog in around 60 minutes in the end I believe – let’s see if I can hit the same stride today. I want to talk about the fallacies around building a $100 million startup now and why you probably should either: Never […]

How Posting on Facebook Every Day for 3+ Months ?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hi all, I’ve got 90 minutes to get this done as per yesterday’s blog post. I’ve set myself this new target as I ended up writing for over two hours, although I did several things in-between.  I want to focus on being more productive with this time I have now. I’ve made it to day […]