Deciding To Build A Recruitment Agency

Deciding To Build A Recruitment Agency

Reading Time: 3 minutes Afternoon all, Here’s the time and I wanted to hammer out this blog as best as I can as I’m excited about the fact I’ve decided to formally begin thinking about building a recruitment agency. For a while now – many people have commented upon how unorthodox our recruitment process is and how we’re able […]

Discovering I Have High Cholestrol Even Though I’m A Marathon Runner

Discovering I Have High Cholestrol Even Though I_m A Marathon Runner

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Hey guys, A few days back I got some shocking news which I’m going to share with you today. Around 10 months ago I signed up for a blood testing service Thriva. I did this to understand more of my general levels of vitamins, minerals, and hormones present in my system. One of the […]

How To Develop Patience In Business

How To Develop Patience In Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’m writing this from my Lenovo thinkpad which I’m beginning to enjoy using more and more. It feels good to be getting used to using a Windows machine. I also enjoy the fact it’s so cheap for something relatively powerful (16GB RAM) given I just forked out £3,000+ for a Macbook (which […]

Preparing To Work With A Personal Fitness Trainer

Preparing To Work With A Personal Fitness Trainer

Reading Time: 7 minutes   Morning all, My Personal Trainer Journey I recently met with a personal trainer whom I’m about to embark upon a journey with when it comes to my fitness. Francesco is his name – a half-German/half-Italian trainer whose a little bit of a man-mountain (i.e you can tell the man trains heavily). To boot – […]

B2B Sales Growth Versus B2C Sales Growth For Pearl Lemon Leads?

B2B Sales Growth Versus B2C Sales Growth For Pearl Lemon Leads

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I had something of a brainwave last night when I was thinking about one of our campaigns for Pearl Lemon Leads. So we’ve got an American realty client who we’re cold calling for at the moment. Now what’s interesting about this campaign is several things: It’s business to consumer In this regard […]

How To Write Effective Job Descriptions [and increase candidate quality overnight]

How To Write Effective Job Descriptions [and increase candidate quality overnight]

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’ve just been reading ‘The Sales Development Playbook’ by Trish Bertuzzi and it’s given me a brainwave that’s going to have applications across all of our recruiting. This (btw) is the beauty of reading as a regular part of your routine. You always end up finding something that can change the way […]

Should You Hire Friends And Family Or Not

Should You Hire Friends And Family Or Not

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Today I want to talk about something that began with me involving first my father in my property adventures. In my mind, since entering the world of business – one of the big things I want to do is to use my success to help my family. Here’s practically how that has […]

The Dangers Of Disrupting A Solid Routine

The Dangers Of Disrupting A Solid Routine

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Writing my first blog for several days (I think the last one was Wednesday). I’m seriously having withdrawal symptoms because amongst other things (such as trying to give half arsed advice where and when I can) – I use this as a platform to journal and share my thoughts with the world. […]

How To Build A Training Programme For Interns

How To Build A Training Programme For Interns

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I want to talk about the development of the Pearl Lemon Placement programme and the people it’s producing and the way they are being produced. In terms of the long-term development of it’s people – Pearl Lemon has a training programme that it takes all of its young people on. The young […]

How To Embrace The Power Of Serendipity

How To Embrace The Power Of Serendipity

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I’ve ‘randomly’ discovered Tom Peters and Lina Kaplan this morning. In the same way I discovered the books ‘Drawing on the right side of the brain’ and ‘The origin of consciousness….breakdown of the bicameral mind’ (books I’m staring at on my shelf right now). Book and literature I would ordinarily never come […]

How To Build A Business That Can Run Itself [The Pearl Lemon Way]

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I’ve not blogged for a couple of days this week so I’m going to try and make it all back today. Pearl Lemon will be 4 years old in October and so to a degree even writing this blog seems a little nonsensical arguably because the business still doesn’t run itself yet. […]

Run Your Team Like Army Cadets To Get The Best Results

Run Your Team Like Army Cadets To Get The Best Results

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I had an interesting turn of events this week when I was approached by two of my sales team – being told that basically ‘Deepak you’re too soft’. It’s been an interesting turn of events in respect of how to run an effective sales team. I have had a troop of sales […]

How To Be An Effective Leader Of A Team

How To Be An Effective Leader Of A Team

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time this morning and yet again I’m ‘off to the races’ when it comes to starting my day. I got this amazing (and unexpected message) from Chill – one of our team yesterday. Didn’t see it coming. It’s made me reflect upon some of the important qualities that I see […]

Unorthodox Productivity Hacks


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, It’s a little bit of a strange one this morning in terms of what I’m working on so I thought I’d take the time to share some of this with you. Basically, The last 24 hours have been really interesting from a productivity and focus standpoint – You might have read from […]

Focusmate Review – a growing accountability movement

Focusmate Review - a growing accountability movement

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Later start today as I’m back from ‘holidays’ i.e the long weekend. I got back onto Focusmate today and thought I’d take the time to write up a review of it now that I’m 18 sessions into using it: First of all I should say that this won’t be a complete review […]

How To Build A Content Repurposing Funnel

How To Build A Content Repurposing Funnel

Reading Time: 3 minutes Morning all, Here’s the time this morning, and today I want to talk about my content repurposing funnel. i.e how I take this blog and then repurpose it for LinkedIn as well as Medium. This happens via my writing coach Chris and ultimately begins with the simple act of producing content. So each morning (as […]