Deciding To Build A Recruitment Agency

Deciding To Build A Recruitment Agency

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Afternoon all,


Here’s the time and I wanted to hammer out this blog as best as I can as I’m excited about the fact I’ve decided to formally begin thinking about building a recruitment agency.

For a while now – many people have commented upon how unorthodox our recruitment process is and how we’re able to identify great talent – train them – and then they often time go on to other roles.

So I’m using this blog to announce that I’ve formally decided (although it’s been bubbling for some time) to start putting together the bones of a recruitment agency and now to begin thinking about trying to get in our first batch of clients.

Well – the client’s part will come sometime after – but right now it’s about switching our brand ‘Resume Cats’ and turning that into ‘Pearl Lemon Recruitment’.

As a company – the Pearl Lemon Group is continuously recruiting and trying to identify cost-effective untrained talent – i.e very talented people with excellent attitudes, aptitudes and a desire to learn thick and fast.

You put a person like that into the right environment and on the other side of it you can knock out someone who’s really special.

We’ve been practising this art for several years now and the success stories that have resulted from those who have worked under us and then gone on to do different things is incredible.

Consequently, it feels like it makes sense to launch a recruitment business. Like anything I’ve started – I’m going into it naively but with confidence in my own ability – that I can make things happen and make it work.

There are so many different ways in which you could focus when it comes to recruitment. Knowing me – I’m going to try and do everything at the same time and it’s going to be a hyper challenging experience.

But then what hasn’t been like that?

Building a lead-generation company has been one of the most stressful things I’ve ever had to do.

Unlike any other service I’m selling – PPC/SEO/PR/Reputation Management – the pressure with lead generation is very high – results AREN’T subjective and decisions on whether to keep us as a company are quick. Finding talent in this niche is also very challenging as you need to identify people who could effectively convince anyone – of ANYTHING over the phone.

And trying to find such people has been extraordinarily difficult and has involved alot of heartache and unhappy clients.

This is why…..

PR, SEO, Accountancy, Property and now Recruitment doesn’t scare me whatsoever…

Why not give it a go?

Practically – here is what is happening on the ground:

  • We’ve registered Pearl Lemon Recruitment
  • We’ve put together a content calendar for buying keywords we want to rank for
  • Kaushal the head of design is going to start building out the site from Monday
  • ResumeCats – our resume builder will be moved over to as our very own resume builder
  • I announced to the team in our weekly meeting yesterday that we’ll be launching Pearl Lemon Recruitment
  • I’m writing this blog about it

All of these things are putting it all ‘top-of-mind’ for me in terms of focussing on building out the recruitment agency.

What’s been interesting though is that my buddy Max Newton already mentioned that building recruitment agencies can be incredibly lucrative and that placing SDR’s can be extremely profitable.

Without delivering too much into the detail – it seems like an extremely sensible thing to do to work on helping others what we at Pearl Lemo have spent years honing and crafting.

So I guess with this in mind then – why not try and get rewarded for something you’re already doing for yourself.

One of the biggest challenges for us has been trying to build a high-caliber sales team that is immediately effective from the outset.

A team who needs little training (or alot in some ways as we’ve got so many videos they can watch) to start becoming effective.

That has taken me moving earth wind and fire to make that happen – but it’s still something we’re in the process of fine-tuning.

Given (as Pearl our head of public relations) and others have mentioned how unorthodox our team make up is and how effective our own recruitment for a wide array of roles has been…..

Well yes – why not try and do it for the companies we already work with.

We’re already delivering SEO well – it would also be amazing to deliver them each of these other services as well.

So – I’ll keep you updated on our recruitment journey!