How To Effectively Incentivise Employees To Discover Outliers

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I want to discuss today the power of incentivisation when it comes to driving progress and growth within your team. With the current content writing team, one of the challenges (surprise surprise) is getting the volume of content out that we need/want in time and me trying to find ways to drive […]

How To Find Rockstar Employees and People To Grow Your Company

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, The time is 08:02am so upon balance I’m starting this pretty late in my day. Although I also woke up late as well so ‘hey-ho’. I was discussing with Pearl (our head of PR) how things are going for her and all and what her parents thought about her progression with Pearl […]

The Hidden Power Of Uniformity [An Unusual Productivity Hack]

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, The time is 7:10am and I’m at my parents place as I usually am on a Wednesday morning. And I want to talk about the hidden power of uniformity if you are like me and work from several different places. In a way I guess it sounds obvious that if you keep […]

How To Build Evergreen Lead Generation Campaigns

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I thought I’d run you through some of the evergreen lead generation campaigns I’ve built and how you can effectively use cold email to scale anything that you want effectively. Let me give you a few practical examples of what we’re doing at Pearl Lemon. Podcast Promotion Funnel So each day as […]

Lessons Learnt From Stepping Away From Day To Day Management

Stepping Away

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Morning all, I’m back after a ‘week away’ from Pearl Lemon and there’s been (and still will be) – lots of lessons learned about the whole experience. Let’s go through some of the top-line areas – Lead Generation Team The lead-generation side of the business needs better management and direction – this was something […]

Harry Mack – Unparelleled Freestyler

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I thought I’d write a little bit about a rapper I’ve been listening to obsessively for the last month or so since my buddy Luc introduced me to him. He’s a guy from Los Angeles called Harry Mack and he’s a freestyle rapper. He’s been around for several years now and was […]

How To Manage Conflict In A Team

Manage Conflict

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Up at the right time today as now I’m able to sit down and get a blog out. It’s been a challenging couple of days as I’ve been away for (in the end 3 days total) and it’s been mainly with the lead-generation/sales team there have been challenges. And it issues that […]

How To Learn Effectively And Get Big Results Immediately

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all (just about), I wanted to talk about the power of contextually relevant learning and how it’s (in my opinion) the most effective way to learn. Right now – one of the big drives for me – is to learn more about management and leadership. This is the space I’m stepping into right […]

My Plan To Write Novels And How I’m Going To Make It Happen (I Hope)


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, It’s 730am on the 7th of October and today I want to walk through my simple plan with you to get back into writing. When I say ‘writing’ I mean ‘writing-writing’ – i.e novels. Not ‘self-help literature’ as such (which I want to write as well) – but storytelling. There’s something magical […]

How To Identify Quick Wins And Action Them Immediately – Part 2

Quick Wins

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Morning all, It’s 629am on the 6th October and let’s continue with yesterday’s blog about ‘how to identify quick wins and action them’ – I want to give you some further examples of what ‘quick wins’ look like and examples of instances where someone will slow down – Max mentioned he had a standing […]

How To Identify Quick Wins And Action Them Immediately – Part 1

Identify Quick Wins

Reading Time: 3 minutes So it’s 1807 and right now I’m on the London underground headed home. I reckon I’ve got around 15 minutes before I need to get off the tube so I’m going to make this as quick as I can. I went to visit my friend Max Newton in Bethnal Green today and it proved to […]

How To REALLY Build A Second Business (and other ramblings)

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I’m in a bit of a strange place because I’ve been working hard for probably the last 2-3 months to make myself redundant from Pearl Lemon. What I mean by this – is working to remove myself from the day to day runnings of the business. The biggest key has been to […]

How To Put A Process In Place For Relentless Innovation

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I still feel like writing so let’s see how quickly I can bust this out – I’m still yet to work out if this is the best use of my time (writing these morning blogs I mean haha – but f*ck it I enjoy it)… The continual emphasis I place on innovation […]

The Fundamentals Of Building Multiple Businesses Using The Same Model

Building Multiple Businesses

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, It’s 8.24am / 5th October and today I want to talk about the fundamentals of building multiple businesses (or attempting to) using the same model. It’s taken me 4 years to implement something that in many respects is a straightforward system. Let’s run through it right now – So the first element […]

What To Do When Your Mind’s All Over The Place


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Today I’m having one of those mornings where I’m wondering to myself if I know what the hell I’m doing in general. With this in mind – I thought I’d write a blog about it all to help you folks by sharing my insights into what I do when ‘your mind is […]

How To Drive Innovation Within Your Company (From Your Team)


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I’ve got two more days left and then after that, I’m going to go radio silent with the team for 1-week with the exception of one client. I’ll have to deal with those guys on the next go-around, unfortunately. Nonetheless – What I wanted to do this morning is walk you through […]