Plotting Out The Next Year For Pearl Lemon


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning guys, Here’s the time today: I thought I’d use this blog as an opportunity to do some planning or ‘brain dumping’ as these blogs end up being a lot of the time – about my next steps with Pearl Lemon. So – We’ve rolled out Pearl Lemon PR into a separate website (this […]

A Lesson in Brainstorming For My SaaS Software [Send Koala]


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time and today I want to talk about something I’ve not yet written a blog about in detail – My plans to grow to Send Koala. The value for those of you reading this I hope – is to see how to ‘brainstorm’ in real-time and effectively do all of […]

A Guide To Uncommonly Quick Decision Making


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I don’t remember the last time I wrote two blogs in one day – so feeling adventurous this morning. Around 30 minutes ago I got this message from a new Twitter content creator I’ve started working with. I’ve been impressed with his approach and enthusiasm and he seemed to be honest in […]

Actions and Decisions That Repeat Themselves Over The Years


Reading Time: 3 minutes Morning all! Here’s the old countdown timer today. Didn’t quite start at 5.50am today – because I had an unproductive morning being on Whatsapp! I want to make a renewed commitment to myself to NOT be on Whatsapp until 7am every day. There’s no need for me to be on before that time – and […]

How To Learn Something New And Learn It Quickly


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all! It feels nice to see 5.50 am on the clock as I write this! Been a good long while since I was able to actually start writing before 6 am – that tells me that I need to up my game and make sure that I’m actually up on time. What tends […]

The UK’s Need for Effective Cold Callers

cold calling

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, Back at it again and today I’m reflective of the challenges my team is facing with cold calling. It’s clearly an incredibly difficult skill to find in people. For the last several months I’ve been on the hunt to find people who are effective on the phone and can basically call anyone, […]

How To Build A Public Relations Agency From Scratch

How To Build A Public Relations Agency From Scratch

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, We’re in the midst of growing out our PR agency and it’s pretty exciting. I’m not sure if i’ve covered this but I’ll ‘cover it again’. Basically – Pearl Lemon have a background in SEO – which means we’re relatively decent at ranking keywords on Google. This is something that people such […]

The Ultimate Guide To Conversation Intelligence

The Ultimate Guide To Conversation Intelligence

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning guys, Up and at it again if you read my blogs! And getting back into doing some keyword research based around subjects that I’m pretty interested in. So I did some keyword research based upon a sales platform calls ‘’ – it had a list of the ‘best sales blogs’ – but I […]

36 Ways To Address Your Anxiety On Reddit


Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning guys, Here’s the time again this morning, And if you read my blogs you’ll know right now that I’m suffering from a decent amount of anxiety because I’m not yet happy with the performance of my lead generation team. We’re not delivering at the levels we should be and so it’s a case […]

Building A Business In Reverse

Building A Business In Reverse

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Hey guys, Morning again! I had a chat with a friend of mine yesterday Axel who said something interesting which deserves some exploration. I spoke to him about my strategy of building out websites and then building operations once the leads start to come in and he said ‘ah you’re kind of doing things […]

Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thin?

Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thin

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, I wanted to bash this out quickly before I head out to the cafe and get working. A thought arose in my mind this morning as a consequence of a conversation I had with an SEO expert yesterday. The question is (you guessed it) – am I spreading myself too thin? The […]

Coping With Founder Anxiety

Coping With Founder Anxiety

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all! Here’s the time and my morning Pomodoro. I’ve already been out this morning for a walk, got my cup of coffee from a local petrol pump (the Costa inside it). Listened to some of a new audible I started this morning ‘Go For No’ by Richard Fenton (decent start and allegory for […]

My Experiement In Trying To Hire Actors To Grow My Sales Team


Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning all, I wanted to at least start this whilst I am still feeling inspired by it. So several years ago I remember meeting a friend of mine in a Regus coworking space and we were swapping notes on business growth. He ran a luxury real estate business (still might do – we’ve not […]

Starting Pearl Lemon Web From Scratch – The Story

Pearl Lemon From Scratch

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning all, Another day, another website was built haha. I’ve seen this come together over a course of about one month I think from scratch: The content (mostly) was already previously built and all of the illustrations have been custom designed. The site has now been passed onto the SEO team and the ranking […]

The Joys Of Intense Salary Negotiation

The Joys Of Intense Salary Negotiation

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Morning guys, So for the last couple of days, I’ve been involved in intense salary negotiations with my head of outbound sales Adham. It’s been (dare I say it) – an intense learning experience for us both. Over the last 60 days, I’ve been trying to build out a sales team. Whilst this has […]

Why I’m Switching From Mac To Windows For A Week

Why I'm Switching From Mac To Windows For A Week

Reading Time: 3 minutes   I’m writing this from my Lenovo Thinkpad. Adrian one of my sales guys said his laptop had already slowed down which surprised me. This surprised me because I BOUGHT him his laptop less than one month ago. And he’s already saying it’s slowed down. He’s got a Lenovo Thinkpad like me. The spec all […]