How To Build A Public Relations Agency From Scratch

How To Build A Public Relations Agency From Scratch

Table of Contents

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Morning all,

Thu 22 July

We’re in the midst of growing out our PR agency and it’s pretty exciting.

I’m not sure if i’ve covered this but I’ll ‘cover it again’.

Basically – Pearl Lemon have a background in SEO – which means we’re relatively decent at ranking keywords on Google.

This is something that people such as Craig Campell and Paul Lovell (notably) have been really supportive with – and it’s a journey I’m continuing with.

Having spent some time with Ross Tavendale he outlined that the way to grow your SEO agency is actually by focussing upon PR.

It’s less pressured, more money, requires creativity, and draws upon alot of experience you can take from SEO.

And correspondingly as you’ll see >

PR Pages

We currently have 12 PR pages on the Pearl Lemon website – and within 3 months I’m sure that number will rise to 24.

Using what we know about SEO – we’re aggressively going after PR rankings on Google to try and generate inbound enquiries:


Here’s the overall number of keywords we index for that contains the word ‘PR’.

Currently, it sits at around 92 for the UK and 55 for the United States in Ahrefs.

I’m excited to see where it’ll get to in around 3-months or whenever I remember to check again.

I’ve already appointed a head of public relations in Pearl Kasiyre – and she’s due to go full time in August on a full-time basis. We’re setting up an office in Kampala, Uganda in Regus and will have 4 people working from that office alongside Pearl which will be exciting.

So we’re making massively strong inroads into building a solid PR base within the business.

Just this morning (which is excellent to see) – we had an inbound enquiry from a Private Jet Company (we already work with two) – and I’m hoping many more will come over time.

At the moment we’ve got a couple of PR clients – and it’s really just the early days.

I’m really pleased with how this whole journey has developed.

The journey started back in around September of last year when I decided to start looking more and more into PR in general.

Now 10 months later, we have all of this and I’m confident it’s only going to grow.

But yes, in essence, the model is relatively simple.

Identify pages that make sense to build from a PR perspective – of which currently we have 12.

Beyond this – then look at ranking those pages – which we’ve been doing for some time now…and then see what inbound inquiries that start to drive…alongside cross-selling to any internal clients we already have.

In essence, it’s applying the same approach to every brand we’re on the road to the building.

Writing this blog just inspired me to take a quick look at what other pages we would benefit from building and check it out:

Pages to Build

This is to add to the growing list that Melanie already has which is not short by any means.

Anyway – that’s it – a little shorter blog today.

It was just brilliant to see a private jet company reach out to us – and no doubt it was via the aviation PR keyword.

Now I want us to go and get some more lol 😛