A Lesson in Brainstorming For My SaaS Software [Send Koala]


Table of Contents

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Morning all,


Here’s the time and today I want to talk about something I’ve not yet written a blog about in detail –

My plans to grow to Send Koala.

The value for those of you reading this I hope – is to see how to ‘brainstorm’ in real-time and effectively do all of this:

  1. Promote my SaaS tool through the very writing of this blog – i.e my cold email lead generation tool – Send Koala
  2. Really think about the things that need to be done/could be done to help grow the tool
  3. Ideate and create a load of actions both long-term and quick wins that we could benefit from
  4. Keep a historical record of what my thoughts were on ‘6th August’ so I can look back at this (if I write an update every 2 weeks) to see what progress has been made
  5. Keep an accountability track for myself and my team
  6. Update my partners as to what’s going on with Send Koala and where my thinking is at
  7. Help produce ‘useful’ content for my blog here.

So let’s get into it – and also ‘think about it.

Well – we’ve got a written guide about ‘how to generate 4-7 leads per week’ – which we can do a Product Hunt Launch for.

In fact – we can tactically release something every month that’s of high value to build traction and an email list.

So here’s the first thing to consider:

A product hunt launch to give away our lead-generation magnet

This will entail reaching out to hunters, promoting on the platform, and seeing what happens – it could be a ‘soft launch

Posting a weekly update on Indie Hackers to grow my following and grow interested

This is something that makes sense in general so I can begin to grow my following on a platform for founders through something that comes to me naturally – blogging.

Watching a tutorial on Hacker Noon/News so we can do that same thing

I don’t even know the proper name of the platform but again, reading into this seems like a sensible play so that we can then be more effective with it.

Let’s now go through more things in a list with less explanation so I can effectively ‘brain dump’ via this blog:

  1. Add a ‘book a consult’ link on the site to see if people book calls
  2. Add a ‘chat bot’ to see if people talk to us as well as Whatsapp web
  3. Add a ‘services’ page where we can help them launch a lead-generation campaign
  4. Add a load of ‘as featured in’ logos
  5. Add a load of reviews to the homepage
  6. Add use cases page e.g Send Koala for Linkbuilding, PR Outreach, Direct Sales Outreach, Podcast Outreach, Affiliate Outreach, Co-Founder Outreach, Freelancer Gigs, Recruitment
  7. Run a ‘website’ SWOT of all of our competitors to understand what pages need to be built – eg their use-cases/features pages would make sense
  8. Hire a dedicated SaaS Copywrite for SK and SW
  9. Do some cold calling for Send Koala from next week to figure out the pitch (even planning this will force me to think about how that pitch will go)


This exercise has taken me – 12 minutes more or less:


And it’s given me a shedload of ideas for things I/my team can implement and execute.

No doubt there will be more ideas as well outside of this, but this is a solid start in terms of things that can be looked at with some level of immediacy.

So a shorter than a usual blog today – but probably a very useful one as I’ll pass this on to my team and see what results they come back with.

I’ll be doing the same thing with all of my brands I think now moving forward.