How to Say No to Requests, Ideas, Proposals & More?

Reading Time: 6 minutes 2 Hour Walks Hey guys I went for a 2-hour walk this morning which I used to part read, part think and take notes. I’m keeping up this walking thing and what an amazing gift it really is. I have an amazing team of people around me executing both high-level as well as more process-driven […]

The Power of Silence, Solitude & Reflection & How to Do It?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys, I realised this morning when I was out for an almost 2-hour walk by myself (more on that later) that this ‘blog’ is becoming more of a journal, which I’ll write in and return from time to time to post thoughts, feelings and ideas that I have This is how I’m happiest and […]

Book Review: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport & 20 Hours of Audible In 10 Days


Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey guys Here’s the again and I wanted to share with you my thoughts after reading ‘Digital Minimalism‘ and getting through (according to Audible) 14 hours of book reading in around the last 10 days. Digital Minimalism is an amazing read written by MIT professor Cal Newport about the power of using technology with intention […]

Why Most Business Owner’s Do a Terrible Job to safe Their Time?

Reading Time: 7 minutes A New World I’ve just finished reading Cal Newport’s Essentialism. And it’s opened my eyes up to this whole concept of ‘Deep Work’. I was actually recommended this book by a few people but never got around to reading it. Today I want to talk a little bit about the revelations it has provided and […]

I’m Going to Give Up Watching TV for One Month

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey guys, I’m still reading Cal Newport’s ‘Deep Work’ and I’ve just had my mind blown again. Mind-blowing = when I hear something so radical but something that makes so much sense to me I can’t help but pay attention and take action. Time Sucking Television In the section ‘Quit Social Media’ one of the […]

How to Run 40 Seconds Per Km Faster in 14 Days?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Hello guys, I’m beginning to find time for writing again.  (Today’s ticker) What a godsend it is to just block out social media and work on ‘deeper work’ as taken from the highly recommended ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport (thanks Zurab Kakabadze and Kevin Wimer) on this one. Whilst I’m not going to segway into […]

Why I Deleted All My Social Media Apps?

Reading Time: 8 minutes Why l Deleted All My Social Media Apps  Morning all –  2 days since my last blog and I’ve been up since 415am (Jenny woke me up again) and this is the time now: So far this morning I’ve just come back from my morning exercise routine @7am (today a 30-minute run/4.14 per km followed […]

How to Build New Habits and Live Extremely Powerfully?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello guys This is the time right now – and I’ve got until 5am before the next part of my schedule starts. A lot has actually changed even since day 1 of writing this blog – and I want to share my journey since I last wrote with you. So Covid-19 decimated my business when […]

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Business

Reading Time: 9 minutes The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Business Intro Hey guys, So the coronavirus has hit us hard in respect of business. And there’s never been a more important time to consider diversifying your income streams. Here’s the time right now – and like many of you if you’re watching – I’ve been rocked by an […]

The Ultimate Guide on How to Be More Productive

Reading Time: 18 minutes Hey, guys, it’s day 39 and here is the time: I’m going to attempt to write this whole blog post in 45 minutes That’s this app:  You can grab it for free from the Mac App store I expect. I’d go and grab it – but as you can see – I’m on a clock. […]

The Ultimate Guide to Being Consistent: 16 Tips

Reading Time: 12 minutes Hey guys, How’s it going? Day 37 is pretty awesome. It’s becoming more difficult of late to make sure that I actually get these blogs written. What with the coronavirus it feels like the world has been turned upside down and everyone’s routines have gone somewhat out of the window. That’s why (as it’s 9.58am) […]

Dealing With Conflict You’ve Caused in Relationships


Reading Time: 12 minutes Morning guys, The time is: I’m back writing my daily blog at a more sensible hour, but chose to switch up my routine somewhat this time. I got back up at 430am again (feeling great about it) I write my answers on Quora first (written 21 answers) I DIDN’T go onto Whatsapp (usually I do) […]

How to Build Several Passive Income Streams?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys,  It’s Day 33 and I woke up at 8am today – purposefully because I wanted to stay in bed longer. This is the time of writing and already I feel pretty stressed out, as I made the mistake of checking the messages on my phone and everyone wants something or the other from […]

How to Keep Your Business Alive During Covid-19 & the Recession?

Reading Time: 17 minutes Hey guys, Day 30 (milestone for blogging 30 days in a row) It’s Saturday 😛 I slept in this morning and didn’t get out of bed until around 6.50: Sleeping in is much-needed sometimes, especially after a Friday night I spent awake later than normal fundamentally just watching Better Call Saul I love that Netflix […]

Starting My Ultimate Guide Series, 1 Podcast Per Day & Random Thoughts

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys, Back at it again with a new blog, And I had a brainwave this morning which kind of blows up the true intentions of the blogs I’ve been writing to date, but I’ve found a happy medium if you will. I’m going to bounce between ‘journalling’ which is to a degree what these […]

My Journey With Algorithmic Trading & Making Over £100,000


Reading Time: 19 minutes   Hey guys, It’s day 26, And today I’d like to talk about one of my main passive income strategies as part of my daily blog series: The Results My Friends And I Have Been Seeing I’ll begin with introducing a great friend of mine Francesco (via video) I had the opportunity to interview him […]