A Look Into My Chaos at Pearl Lemon

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi guys, I’m back at it! Here’s the calendar/time right now and I’m on a 35% battery so plenty as according to my last run out. It’s 10.52am and I’ve got a F2F meeting at the Vistajet offices in around an hour from now so will start making my way in around 30 minutes or […]

How I’ve Changed My Eating Dramatically Over the Last 9 Months

Reading Time: 6 minutes I’ve always been massively into fitness. What I mean by that is the marathons, ultramarathons, and more that I’ve done. Right now at aged 33 – I’m probably living the most sedentary lifestyle I have lived in many years – and I’m training 3x a week to move into amateur boxing. However, I want to […]

Hiring a 6-Strong Sales Team

Reading Time: 6 minutes I was pinching myself this morning because it’s weird as hell to have a sales team consisting of….6 people? INBOUND TEAM Lydia (temporarily involved in sales for 3-months to learn more about this side of the business so she can eventually become sales support) Daniel (USA university student – around for at least the next […]

How to Use Pressure to Accelerate and Fuel Your Growth

Reading Time: 5 minutes Right. The time is: I’ve got a sales coaching call starting at 7am (I’ve now pushed it till 710am to get the most I can from writing this blog post). The reasons for making sure I get hopefully the whole thing done or at least a significant chunk of it done is to ensure I […]

Thoughts on PR and Reputation Management

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hi guys, I thought I’d walk you through my PR plans for 2020,  And in general my approach and thoughts to brand building. For me, I think brand recognition and the public shaping of this is a huge differentiator right now. Whether you’re planning to build an SEO agency in London like me or otherwise […]

Coping With Writing Inertia

Reading Time: 7 minutes So right now I’m sitting in McDonald’s finding every reason under the sun to not write content – on a daily basis like I intended. I think the last time that I wrote any content might have been on Thursday or Friday last week and since then I’ve not written anything. I’m fully into the […]

What the Way of the Wolf Can Teach Us About Sales

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning guys, And I’m back here to get after it. Just finished reading Jocko Willink’s daily routine last night before bed and it’s made me realise the need for greater discipline in my life. Still so much to do…. And that’s why reading is feeling so valuable to me now – it’s unlocking new room […]

49 Timeless Selling Principles From Sandler Rules

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hello guys, I’ve actually started turning off my alarm and seeing what happens when I allow my natural sleep cycle to take charge. This is as a consequence of listening to this book – which may bring to an end my ‘430’ wake up…I’m still yet to decide whether it will or not – but […]

How To Talk To Anyone Book Review, No Television, Isolation & Other Musings?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Morning all, The time today. The Value in Not Finishing a Book I didn’t actually expect to be writing this book review so quickly. But again, like Richard Dawkins God Delusion – I stopped seeing the value in this around half-way through… And after about another 15 minutes of sticking with it further I decided […]

How to Close That Sale With Brian Tracy?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hello guys, Here’s the time this morning… And I had something really interesting happen to me yesterday. I’ve got two new commission-only sales people starting with me today and it turns out their siblings – Josh and Allison from Alabama. I interviewed them both separately over the last week (neither knew they’d applied for the […]

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport –

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning all, It’s Monday 9.35am and I had something of a whirlwind this weekend in terms of reading… I managed to get through the entire book by Cal Newport ‘So Good They Can’t Ignore You’. I’m beginning to enjoy my walks in West Brompton cemetery that I’ll take in the morning.  I’ve actually yet to […]

What I Learnt From Traction by Gino Wickman?


Reading Time: 6 minutes Hi guys, Here’s the date today and again I’m back with some of my musings. Today we’re talking about this book: This, for trying to run my business better, has probably been the single most insightful book I’ve read over the last month that I’ve been on this reading odyssey. If Deep Work, Atomic Habits, […]

My Food Prep Journey With KeyToFood

Reading Time: 6 minutes The time is 12.29 and it’s a sunny Saturday afternoon. I’ve actually just come back from a long walk and I’m feeling ready to eat. Of course, I won’t be cooking – but I’ve still not got OUT of the habit of thinking ok ‘wtf’ am I going to cook. So let’s go through what’s […]

The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday Book Review & My Reflections

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys, The time and date as per usual. So today I hit a milestone.  I’ve listened to 26 hours of Audible this month – which is very likely my all-time record for a month. I aim to get it to 45 hours per month from June onwards (i.e 90 minutes per day), with a […]

How Pearl Lemon Made £20K In Upfront Cash & £45K?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hey guys, I want to walk you through how Pearl Lemon as a company is growing at the moment. So during this present Covid-19 era we’re living in – we lost a total of around 14 clients I think. Our returns from clients took a real beating. Today I’m not going to talk about ‘how […]