The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library by Jim Rohn – Book Summary

The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

Table of Contents

Reading Time: 7 minutes



The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library by Jim Rohn - Notes

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The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library by Jim Rohn - Notes

Deepak Shukla’s Notes on The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library by Jim Rohn:

Hey guys,

I finished reading this book on the 10th January 2021.

Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:

“So, what is it about Jim Rohn that has made him so tremendously effective in teaching others how to become so massively successful?

The answer is he has a unique way of helping you discover that you are so much more capable and powerful than you have ever imagined. Jim’s own rise from rags to riches has been well documented and his list of students reads like a Who’s Who of top achievers. Those who learn from him can become virtually unstoppable. Jim Rohn recognized that it takes longer for some people to flip on the “success switch” every person has inside them.”

And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:

  • Make all you can out of all you have
  • Become all you can become
  • If you care at all you’ll get some result if you care enough you’ll get exceptional results
  • Share what you’ve got
  • No one lacks capacity they only lack teachers
  • Have great advice or read a great book then pass it along
  • Don’t rest too long
  • Do what you can. Do the best you can. And rest very little
  • The best you can do should be the very least you do
  • Affirmation without discipline is Delusion
  • Self-respect comes from self-discipline
  • All disciplines affect each other
  • Remember. Remember. Remember…
  • Develop these 5 abilities
  1. Develop the ability to absorb (soak it up like a sponge)
  2. Don’t get through the day but get FROM the day
  3. Wherever you are. BE THERE. with your mind with your body and your soul. Take pictures to remember words soak in the feelings
  4. Casualness leads to casualties
  5. Learn to respond.
  6. Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect
  7. Important to let things touch you
  8. Take me high take me low
  9. Develop the ability to reflect
  10. Run the tapes again (think about what happened so it locks in)
  11. Just a few minutes is all you need
  12. Do the same thing at the end of a week. Who did you see how did it feel what did you learn and what did you change?
  13. Take half a day at the end of the month. Go over what you learned saw and reinforce it
  14. Take a weekend at the end of the year to reflect
  • Jim Rohn’s shortcut to success
  1. Productivity
  2. Good friends
  3. Spirituality (study practice and teach)
  4. Don’t miss anything
  5. Cherish your inner circle
  • Sometimes when you sow you don’t reap
  • You can either buy and sell or you can sell and buy
  • You cannot change People but they can change themselves
  • Teach people to deserve your time
  • Wealth does not guarantee sophistication
  • Everything is a pyramid
  • Leadership
  1. Become an attractive person
  2. Challenge to be something better than mediocre to be better than average
  3. Learn to be strong but not rude
  4. Be kind, not weak
  5. Learn to be bold but not a bully
  6. Results is the name of the game
  7. Be proud but not arrogant
  8. Be humble but not timid
  9. Humour without folly
  10. Humour without folly
  11. Be witty, not silly
  12. If you do something often enough you’ll get a ratio of results
  13. What’s your batting average in life?
  14. The ratio can be improved
  • Style when speaking
  1. Not just the words you say but the manner in which you say them
  2. Actions are no substitute for words
  3. Real persuasion comes from putting you into what you say
  4. Measure your emotions and put it into effective amounts
  • Communication –
  1. Repetition. Have to try again and again
  2. Each time you improve again and again
  3. Like your marathon running
  4. Saying things with sincerity
  5. Brevity is key as well people lose focus fast
  6. So practice on the kids!
  • Hard to appreciate success unless you’ve had some failure
  • True values come by the contrast
  • Being touched by a wider range of experiences than your own
  • Turn frustration into fascination
  • Take interest in the day
  1. In life and in people
  2. And what happens during the day
  • Tough questions
  1. How much savings do you have?
  2. What is your company revenue?
  3. How many properties do you own?
  4. How long have you been in a stable relationship?
  5. How “many people do you employ?
  6. Show me your goals
  7. Show me your 1/3/5/10 year goals
  8. Show me your business plan
  • Preparation on purpose.
  • 4 steps to good communication
  1. Have something good to say
  2. le preparation
  3. Part of your day should be getting ready for the next day
  4. Research
  5. When what you say becomes the tip of the iceberg of what you know – this is powerful communicating
  6. 3. Working knowledge is important

  • Success is not about doing extraordinary things very well it’s about doing ordinary things extraordinary well
  • Communication
  • I couldn’t wait to get here today to see what I had to share with you – this is good stuff
  • The best contribution to your company will be your personal development
  • I’ll take care of me for you if you take care of you for me
  • Investing life into life
  • Make a list of 20 people you must maintain regular contact with
  • Always carry £5 notes (pack of 5-10) for tipping BEFORE you get your service
  • When you give back to People it’s not the amount that counts. It’s the style
  • Happiness is an art to be practiced and studied
  • More money will only make you more of what you already are
  • If you’re going to spend money on the people you love do it with love and joy rather than begrudgingly.
  • Become a two-quarter person and get joy from the person you are becoming
  • If you’ve got everything on the line in your business you’ll want to make sure you’ve got everything in line at home
  • The riskier your level of ambition the greater the need for stability in your personal life
  • What your ambition is to keep doing it until. Keep doing it until!
  • Commit to 1% better a day every day
  • To be the greatest you just need to serve the greatest number of people in the greatest way
  • What’s in it for me can only take you so far
  • What’s it for the people besides me can take you are far as you need to go
  • To whom do you want to share?
  1. My kids will suffer if I don’t achieve my goals
  2. Daniela will have to compromise if I don’t achieve my goals
  3. My parents will have to settle for less if I don’t achieve my goals
  4. My brother will live a life filled with quiet unhappiness if I don’t achieve my goals
  5. lon is relying upon me to secure his future
  6. Lydia is relying upon me for her life
  7. Atit is relying upon me to build his life So is Mayur
  • Starting today keep a 30-minute diary
  • List your distractions and detours
  1. Don’t eat before you walk
  2. Don’t drink before you walk
  3. Only get a cup of tea at 75 min mark
  4. At least 1 video training before 9 am
  5. No business WhatsApp until Mon 9 am
  6. Don’t plan my day the night before
  7. O I don’t track my hours of
  8. Deep work
  • Break it down
  • Build big tasks into 1-day segments
  • Teach goal setting. Teach success 1x a week
  • Goal setting workshop
  1. 30 Marathons By 30
  2. Former Deloitte Consultant
  3. Trained British Soldier
  4. SEO Agency that runs itself
  5. Completed an Ironman
  6. £10 million houses in Hampstead Heath (5)
  7. Holiday home in Southern Spain (3)
  8. Holiday homes in Italy (3)
  9. 50 investment properties (10 in Italy) (5)
  10. Little cute dog that runs around our house (5)
  11. A house with a swimming pool (5)
  12. A new home close to me for my parents (5)
  13. Pay off the entire debt for all of my families (10)
  14. Finished my tattoos on my left thigh as well as my bum (3)
  15. Race the Leadville 100 and several other ultra races (3)
  16. To Be a recognised personal development speaker (5)
  17. Go on holidays for one week every year of total luxury (3)
  18. Be making £1 million a month personally (10)
  19. Run multiple SaaS
  20. companies as well that are well known (5)
  21. Have a gym in my home (5)
  22. Still remember where I came from (1)
  23. Still be grafting and not have changed the way I dress (1)
  24. My SEO agency to still be running and making £500k
  25. lon is making £250k+ a year (5)
  26. Daniela has a thriving osteopathic practice with a big waiting list (5)
  27. Our house has 9 bedrooms (5)
  28. Still friends with Scott and the same people (5)
  29. O Still have a cheap accountability coach (1)
  30. O Still be reading 60 mins a day (1)
  31. Still be humble (5)
  32. Put steps in place to build a billion £ company (10)
  33. Still be as ambitious as I am
  34. Serpwizz to become a recognised and respected name (3)
  35. To have published 60 books (1x every 2 months) (10)
  36. Have been to Japan, Travelled through Africa (10)
  37. Taken my children around the world (10)
  38. Feature on television regularly as an expert (10)
  39. Have famous clients I personally coach (10)
  40. Be highly sought after as an expert in general (10)
  41. Be highly sought after as an expert in general (10)
  42. Have completed multiple sub 3 hour marathons (5)
  43. Speak fluent Italian (10)
  44. Meet the Rock (10)
  45. Meet Brian Tracy (5)
  46. House maid (5)
  47. Cook for the house (5)
  48. Weekends we cook and no maids/cooks or anything (5)
  49. Pension with £5 million in their (10)
  50. Have my music studio, 1x a month recording rap songs (5)
  51. Have applied and passed Royal Marines part time or full time training (5)
  52. Be donating £50k a month to charity (10)
  53. Setup a charitable fund to help people in poverty (10)
  54. Kemistri 1 million per month in deposits (1)
  55. 11 *10’s, 21 *5’s, 7 *3’s, 4*1’s
  56. When you’ve accomplished some goals you need more to accomplish
  57. Very important when you reach a goal that’s important to you that you celebrate
  58. If family reaches a family goal then celebrate with your family
  59. How far should you go? (As far as you can)
  60. How much should you read? (As much as you can)
  61. How many friends should you make? (As many as you can)
  62. How much should you earn? (As much as you can)
  63. What should you try to be? (All you possibly can)
  64. Kemistri doing 1 million a month in deposits
  65. Own 30 Buy To Let’s
  66. Lead Gen / Sales Making £20k a month each
  67. Saas app doing £25k a month
  68. Have written and released 6 books
  69. Must study voraciously and forever (90 mins of reading a day every day)
  70. 4 hours of Deep Work a day every day
  71. Exercise 7 days a week without fail
  72. Must Finish Mon – Fri mentally drained otherwise you have not done deep work
  73. YOU Must write 15,000 words a week for the last of your life
  • Will the errors in my present actions cause me trouble one year from now?
  • Will the errors in my present philosophy cause me trouble one year from now?
  • Brian Tracy considered him one of the greats
  • You don’t change the season’s seeds sunshine or land. You change yourself
  • What is your philosophy?
  • Tony Robbins found at many seminars by Jim Rohn and also ran one of his offices in the early days
  • You are 100% responsible for the results in your life