The Sandler Rules by David Mattson – Book Summary

The Sandler Rules

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The Sandler Rules by David Mattson

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The Sandler Rules by David Mattson

Deepak Shukla’s Notes The Sandler Rules by David Mattson:

Hey guys,

I finished reading this book on the 10th of January 2021.

Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:

“Here’s a mystery. We have a common language and a common process for every single department in the organization…except sales. Everyone in accounting talks the same language. In marketing, there’s a very analytical process by which team members agree to measure the results. In operations, or engineering, or any other part of the organization you care to name, everyone agrees on the process by which the work gets done, and everyone agrees on the key terms that connect to that process. Yet sales, for some reason, typically doesn’t have a consistent process that managers and employees can understand and agree to follow. In fact on most sales teams, salespeople tend to resist any attempt to establish a consistent process for the team as a whole…and managers tend to let them! Why?”

And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:

  • During best of times important you stay hungry
  • 70% of your interactions should come from your nurturing parent
  • Leave your child in the car
  1. Sales person shouldn’t look for nourishment or approval from the sales prospect
  2. Not should they get upset if things aren’t going their way
  • A life without risk is a life without growth

1.Your competitors are closing in on you

2. Keep taking risks that will help you grow even if you fail

  • Don’t get emotional in the sale
  1. Adapt to the style that your prospect Desires
  • Kill the weasley words. You either do or you don’t
  1. You don’t try to love someone
  2. You don’t try to arrange a meeting
  3. So when prospect says try ask them what they mean and push for a firm answer
  • When you’re feeling uncomfortable…

1. I did this once before and my commission ended up getting cut

  • Find out how the buying decision is made Make &full commitment to get a firm decision from the prospects
  • You should aim for 3 no not for me calls a month
  • A winner always has alternatives
  1. And need a map for the sales team
  • You learn the most from the ‘No’s”
  1. If someone lies doesn’t tell the truth etc it’s your fault
  • Need a checklist of why Team Deepak versus the other guys
  1. According to a study of law school graduates
  2. The optimism to income curve is massive
  3. Study used the 5 point optimism scale
  • Evidence to show fake it till you make it works
  • Fake it till you make it
  1. Act like you don’t really need the money
  2. When they say ‘Deepak why should I buy from you?’ maybe you shouldn’t John…
  3. Then continue with your presentation
  • Can I stop being a salesperson for a moment and start being a consultant?
  1. When they say ok you say I’ve shown you everything we got and it’s clear this is still not working for you but how do I tell you that if you pick an alternative provider you’re going to struggle with X Y and Z and you’ll be making a mistake and hurt your bottom line
  2. Walk them through the overall concepts a
  • The problem the prospect brings you is never the real problem
  • All Prospects lie all the time
  1. Need to confirm everything to qualify what they say
  • Need a checklist of us VS them
  • Collecting IOUS powerful when doing a client a favour
  1. Subtly make them aware that you’re going above and beyond when they ask you for something
  • Good to get No’s!
  1. Qualify good fit as fast as possible!
  • Negotiation by falling back
  1. Customer demands something always say ‘Im sorry X happened I want to make this right”
  2. It sounds like if I don’t do this I’m going to lose you as a customer is that a fair statement?
  • Lead prospect to them deciding
  1. What made you decide SEO is the best approach for you?
  2. What made you decide to work with a team of experts rather than looking to bring one person in internally?
  3. What does your ideal agency relationship look like in terms of communication, reporting and anything that could be called the ‘feel good stuff’
  4. Results aside – what would our relationship need to fulfill upon to keep us working together in a year?
  • What do we bring to the table our competition don’t
  • When asked to do some prelim work ask prospect what will happen if work done to their satisfaction
  1. Potentially never do prelim work beyond standard proposal
  • Need a checklist of us VS them
  • Collecting IOUS powerful when doing a client a favour
  • Good to get No’s!
  • Negotiation by falling back
  • Lead prospect to them deciding
  • What do we bring to the table our competition don’t
  • When asked to do some prelim work ask prospect what will happen if work done to their satisfaction
  • Secure decision from prospect that he’ll make
  • Sales decks are NOT for sales analysis every 5 sales

  • Run a sales
  • If you sense hostility or an imbalance ask about it earnestly
  • Stop letting your ego get in the way of calls
  • Weigh out the silence a decision at end of presentation
  • Sales decks are NOT for sales
  1. Ideally only shown when client asks for proposal
  2. Key focus is on understanding what prospect is looking for first then can adjust material you send over
  • Run a sales analysis every 5 sales
  1. What worked?
  2. What did they buy on?
  3. Ask them so you can understand how to replicate it!
  • If you sense hostility or an imbalance ask about it earnestly
  1. I’m sensing some questions you have or concerns – is it ok if you shared them with me?
  2. If it’s going badly then raise it to understand the issues
  • Stop letting your ego get in the way of calls
  • Weigh out the silence
  1. This should make uncomfortable you feel
  2. Answer a question with a question
  3. ‘Your competition is more expensive than you! Say nothing – Then wait and see what he says
  4. Think about doctors. They ask questions and then wait
  5. It’s important to ask dumb questions
  • Make the prospect give up
  1. Don’t ask for the sale?
  2. Otherwise you become needy
  • Develop 5 test the water questions to test that the product can deliver the needs your prospect has
  • Guide conversation to key areas depending upon person
  1. Typically when I speak to Media owners the typical challenges they want to resolve are cashflow and having the ability to generate an income to pay bills invest in marketing and pay their team
  2. Does this sound like a challenge within your business or are there different challenges you have in mind?
  3. If I was to ask you about your top 3 expectations from an SEO partner what would they be?
  • If prospect is talking then SHUT UP
  1. But will never lose a sale by listening too much
  • Don’t mind read
  1. When client throws objections or stalls
  • If you’re telling you’re not selling
  • Always ask a question with a question
  1. How much experience with X do you have?
  2. That’s a very good question and you’re asking because?
  3. As you need to understand their specific ask!
  • Whenever talking to a prospect tell them about affiliate program
  • As you need to understand their specific ask!.
  • You’ll never if the person sat next to you is a prospect Preempt objections
  1. Or if they can lead you to more prospects
  • Preempt objections
  1. Building shitty links
  2. We can manage almost all on page changes
  3. We report weekly
  4. We have massive transparency as to our day to day activities
  • Every unsuccessful call earns you compound interest
  • Don’t answer unasked questions ever
  1. Phrases like ‘if you’re wondering…
  2. Don’t put words in their mouth let prospect lead the questions
  • Also let the prospect know that it’s ok to say ‘no’ today as well Always agree the next step and attach a timeline to it
  • Recap finish
  1. Let me recap what we discussed to make sure we’re all on the same page…
  2. Does anyone have anything to add or did I miss anything?
  3. This is important to reduce ambiguity between what you think was said and what was actually said
  • Must learn from all failures
  1. Real you versus role you (you as a person and you in a role)
  • Selling to three people Id ego and superego but kid most important
  • All sales are ultimately emotional