The Art of War by Sun Tzu – Book Summary

The Art of War

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The Art of War by Sun Tzu

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The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Deepak Shukla’s Notes The Art of War by Sun Tzu:

Hey guys,

I finished reading this book on the 10th of January 2021.

Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:

“The 13 chapters of The Art of War, each devoted to one aspect of warfare, were compiled by the high-ranking Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher Sun-Tzu. In spite of its battlefield specificity, The Art of War has found new life in the modern age, with leaders in fields as wide and far-reaching as world politics, human psychology, and corporate strategy finding valuable insight in its timeworn words.”

And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:

  • Make your way by unexpected routes and attack unguarded spots
  1. LinkedIn alternative networking sites
  2. Bark
  • General is skilful in that he attacks where his enemy has no defence and defends when his opponent does not know what to attack
  • Oh Divine art of subtlety and secrecy – through you we learn to be invisible.
  • Attack where enemy rests. March where you are not expected to go. Arrive first at battle so your enemy hastens their
  • The clever man utilises combined energy not asking too much of one man
  • Feigning disorder when there is none
  1. Hiding strength underneath weakness
  • Direct tactics for joining battle but Indirect methods will win the wars
  1. They are relentless and neverending
  2. There are but 5 primary colours but the combinations will produce more hues than can ever been seen
  • 5 essentials for victory
  1. He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight
  2. He will win who knows how to andle both superior and inferior forces
  3. He will who whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all of his ranks
  4. He will win who prepares himself waits to take the enemy unprepared
  5. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign

  • Rule In war
  1. If forces 10/1 we surround him
  2. If 5/1 attack him
  3. If 2/1 divide our army into two
  4. If equally matched we can offer battle
  5. If slightly inferior In numbers can avoid the enemy
  6. If quite unequal in every way we can flee from him
  • 1. All warfare is based upon deception

1. When able to attack one must seem unable

2. When using our forces we must seem inactive

3. When we are near must make the enemy think we are far away

4. When far away must make it seem we are near

5. Hold out bait to entice the enemy, feign disorder and crush him

6. If he is secure – at all points be prepared for him

7. If he has superior strength – evade him

8. If your opponent is of choleric temper – seek to irritate him pretend to be weak so he may grow arrogant

  • 2. Waging War

1. Does not raise a 2nd levy

2. Nor are his wagons loaded 2x

3. Forage on the enemy (much much more effective than one’s own)

4. Use your conquered foe to augment your own strength

Too many calculations leads to victory by few calculations lead to defeat

  • 3. Attack by Strategem
  1. Take enemy land whole in intact much better than to destroy it
  2. Better to capture entire regiment whole than destroy them
  3. To fight and conquer is not supreme excellence
  4. Excellence is to break your enemies resistance without fighting
  5. The highest form of generalship is to disrupt the enemies plans
  6. The worst is to besiege walled cities
  • To many calculations leads to victory by few calculations lead to defeat