The Power Of Just In Time Learning

Just In Time Learning

Table of Contents

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Afternoon guys,

Feels like it’s been a couple of days since I wrote a blog, so really this title and writing this out in any shape or form is really about a commitment to my writing.

Going more than a few days without writing feels odd and so here I am.

What’s happened is that I’ve been out two-days in a row and it has an after effect which I’m feeling now.

Sluggish, tired and in need something of a reset.

Writing this blog is part of that since writing for me (as Chris would describe) is something of a keystone habit.

I just am eager to get back into the habit of writing and am not sure how valuable anything I’ll have to say today will be.

That doesn’t mean however I should stop writing.

Today I want to talk about the power of ‘Just In Time Learning’.

I went out with two of my team yesterday and during the course of the evening I got put onto two authors whom I ‘must read’.

Listening to a book that’s over 5 hours long when it’s a recommendation is typically too much for me.

So that’s where I’ll try and catch a summary.

Whilst I was out with Gary and Jay – Jay made reference to a couple of authors whom I must read –

What did I do?

I immediately searched Audible to see if I could find any of them and was able to find summaries for both –

Searched AudibleBooks Reviews

I then also found another book that just looked really good so I thought ‘you know what I’ll read that as well’ – and downloaded it.

Over the course of the following days I’ll try and get through all of these books and make notes to see what I learn from them.

I want to outline a couple of things that have happened here –

I got told about some amazing authors I must read.

I immediately searched for said authors on Audible.

I then paid the £18 it cost me to buy 3 audiobooks – and I purchased them.

Now – the next day – here I am writing about it.

It sounds so stupidly simple when I write it down – but there’s a cruel truth to it….

Many people will get a recommendation from someone – and do nothing with it.

However – if you’re able to find a process that works for you – you can incorporate it into your own workflow and start picking things up quickly.

To my mind – this is the key to quick absorption of information.

It’s also the case that I read only business and marketing books – thus ensuring my scope of reading is very tight and around a base.

Right, that’s a wrap for today.

Let me see what these books are like!