Hey! It’s Deepak here!
If you’re looking for an experienced lead generation consultant, you’ve come to the right place.
Making use of a variety of lead gen strategies – Cold Calling, Cold Email, LinkedIn Outreach, Content Marketing, and More – I bootstrapped my own business from zero to six figures in less than a year. Now I help other businesses do the same, formulating and then implementing the unique lead generation strategies that we determine will work for them.

My lead generation consultancy services – and my outsourced sales team, who step in as needed, have helped hundreds of businesses develop and execute lead generation campaigns that have ensured their lead pipelines are filled with high-quality leads at all times.
Feel free to check out my reviews, testimonials, and awards, watch my case studies, and then book a call. I’m looking forward to helping your business grow.

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Cold Calling

Cold calling is not dead. Cold calling done properly is an empowering and effective way for businesses to target new customers. But cold calling can be quite intimidating for many salespeople, especially younger ones, so they avoid it. Let Deepak and his team show you why cold calling isn’t dead and why it should be a part of a successful lead generation strategy. conversion rate.

LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful lead generation platforms for B2B services because it provides the strongest database for professionals in all roles while creating a personal experience during a connection that is unlike any other. Let Deepak show you how to leverage LinkedIn Outreach to generate high-quality leads and build an incredible professional network at the same time.

Cold Email

Cold email is an email sent to a potential customer that has had no prior relationship with you. It’s the 21st-century alternative to cold calling and cold email can be hugely effective, but only when implemented in the right way. Having used cold email to boost his business to a 6-figure revenue level, Deepak knows exactly what that is.

Outsourced Sales Team

Hiring an outsourced sales team means that companies gain access to sales teams that are on the cutting edge of sales methodology, and as they have worked with many other companies in the past, they have developed optimized practices that have already been proven to work. The teams Deepak works with are some of the best in business, and he can get them working for you too.

Resting Islamic businessman manager CEO boss listening to webinar, online meeting
Business people finishing up a meeting. Man shaking hands with female client


One of the things that sets Deepak apart from the pack when it comes to lead generation consulting – whether it’s cold calling, cold email, LinkedIn outreach, content marketing, and more – is his innovative approach to client relations.

The majority of his lead generation consulting services are provided online, and ‘normal business hours’ are not something that exists in his world. Have a question? Want to discuss an issue urgently? You won’t have to wait until 9am to do so, and he won’t disappear as soon as 5pm arrives. In fact, he’s even available at the weekend (marathon running notwithstanding, but those only take him a couple of hours).

Deepak Shukla Is All About Making Effective Lead Generation Easy
Do you know the number one reason that lead generation fails? It’s because people fall into the trap of thinking that they have to choose just one or two ways to generate leads. That’s not the way Deepak thinks. Based on his own experience he knows that to generate leads – real leads that convert – takes a multi-disciplinary approach, and that approach needs to be different for every company.

With this in mind, his B2B lead generation strategies include:

  • Cold calling
  • Cold email
  • LinkedIn Outreach
  • Targeted B2B content marketing

Working with a team of global experts via Pearl Lemon Leads, Deepak can not only recommend a lead generation plan for your company but help you execute it too, leaving you free to do what you do best: run your business.

Managers discussing sales statistics


Watch a selection of Deepak’s case studies below. These videos demonstrate Deepak’s ability to implement his lead generation consulting services and really deliver the goods!


The toughest job in sales these days is getting an appointment with a prospective client or customer. As a sales manager, it’s easy to tell your salespeople they need to do a better job prospecting. But they’re facing huge hurdles that salespeople of a few years ago didn’t face.

  • There are more salespeople – and sales pitches – coming at prospects than ever before, so getting their attention is tough.
  • Prospects hide behind caller ID, voicemail, and email.
  • Your prospects have more on their plates than they used to, and they are just flat out too busy to take your call.
  • Salespeople don’t spend that much time prospecting, so when they do, they don’t really do it all that well. Often they give up way too soon.

For all these reasons, and more, working with an outside lead generation consultant makes sense. They have the time, the patience, the insight, and the knowledge needed to brainstorm lead generation strategies that work, leaving your salespeople to do what they do best: sell. And the lead generation consultant that does all of this – and more – best is Deepak Shukla.

Some companies haven’t even got around to adding a sales department yet and are struggling to find the time to try to generate leads at all. As Deepak is the co-founder of Pearl Lemon Leads, he has access to a highly experienced, high-producing Outsourced Sales Team who, if needed, can do the work for you.

Serious male ceo listening colleague holding papers documents at table meeting.


What is lead generation?

Lead Generation (LeadGen) is the process of attracting or finding specific potential clients for a business.

Yes, it can be if there is some form of direct response mechanism that comes along with it. Most consumer advertising is designed, however, to generate a different form of action – a visit to a shop or showroom, or choosing a specific brand. Lead generation is more associated with B2B marketing where we are generating a lead with a known company and a known decision-maker or influencer within that company.

A sales pipeline is where your leads turn into customers, where your main revenue comes from. Your marketing and sales pipeline refers to the stages that your sales rep goes through to convert a lead into a customer.

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If you have any questions at all please, do not hesitate to contact me!

Want to Learn more?

From Deepak Shukla. 7-Figure Agency Owner. 6-Figure FX Trader. SaaS Founder. Property Investor. Entrepreneur.

Get in Touch with Deepak Shukla Today