Getting Back Into Writing

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hey guys, 

The time is 11.54 am on the 27th of August 2022, and I’m back here really just aiming to put anything down to paper at this stage.

I’m switching up some of the elements regarding how I write.

I have (as you noticed) not bothered with screenshotting proof of the actual date as I usually do.

The truth is – is that I’m finding that to be a barrier to actually writing now – and it’s more important at this stage that I actually just get something written down as opposed to worrying too much about the timestamp attached to this document.

I don’t know exactly where this blog is going or why it is that I’m writing this (in fact, yes I do) – it’s because it’s like a creative outlet for me – and I find more and more that I struggle to explain my vision and my mission to anyone (in general)

So maybe it’s best I try and put things down onto a document such as this.

Daniela said she remembers how different life was one year ago – and I really have to cast my mind back to think in those terms.

Certainly, it’s the case that much has changed.

We’ve now got three cafes and a juice bar on the way and catering business that’s growing alongside plans for a tattoo shop.

cafe wall

Naturally, I’m spending almost all my savings on getting these businesses going.

That is worrying when I look at the funds that we have on account.

But I need to remind myself that there’s a bigger picture at stake here.

Let’s review the potential opportunities that we’ve got on the horizon:

  • Building a big catering business that’ll make the cafes self-sustaining
  • The coffee shops overall are growing month on month 
  • The game development company within 3-months should start generating clients
  • The tattoo site should start generating enquiries
  • In 3 months, the accounting business should generate work also
  • The USA lead generation site should start producing also

Areas with issues for me are:

  • Sales training
  • Web development 
  • Recruitment
  • Outsourcing

None of these sites seems to have generated enquiries, meaning they need a relook at again. 

From an agency perspective getting these sites up and running is of utmost importance.

Right now, I’m feeling the burn because our sales numbers aren’t where they should be…

But then it is August, and perhaps it’s just the slow summer that’s getting to me most.

Whatever happens anyway – it’s a case of sucking it up and seeing what I can do to take this to the next level.