Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

Fanatical Prospecting

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Fanatical Prospecting

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Fanatical Prospecting

Deepak Shukla’s Notes On Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

Hey guys,

I finished reading this book on the 10th of January 2021.

Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:

“Fanatical Prospecting gives salespeople, sales leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives a practical, eye-opening guide that clearly explains the why and how behind the most important activity in sales and business development: prospecting.”

And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:

  • How bad do you want it?
  • When it’s time to go home do one more rep
  • Do more than is required
  • The principle is competing against yourself always
  • We should live as if we’ll die tomorrow and learn as if we’ll live forever
  • Out-learn = out-earn
  • Use text following trigger events
  • Text message after a good contact on email / LinkedIn
  • Sometimes I text the wrong person – on purpose – just to start a conversation
  • Send emails when prospecting most likely to open it
  • Make the email about them and their problems
  • Never use the word “Hi/Hello’, pegs you as a salesperson
  • All emails being with AMMO
  • Email Prospecting Rules
  • If can’t get through to who you want – call another salesperson in their team
  • Call a random extension can sometimes give you the information you need
  • Sidestep the gatekeeper
  • Sprinkle in humour
  • Ask for help
  • Be honest about who you are and what you want – else it’ll bite you next time
  • Connect (with your gatekeeper)
  • Use your full name when calling!
  • Use please / please 2x – Hi this is Deepak Shukla from Pearl Lemon would you please connect me to X please?
  • Be likeable!
  • “We’re really happy with our current provider” – That’s fantastic – anytime you’re getting great rates and great service you should never think about changing – all I want is to come by and get to know you a little bit better
  • “We’re really happy with our current provider” – That’s fantastic – anytime you’re getting great rates and great service you should never think about changing – all I want is to come by and get to know you a little bit better
  • “Look Deepak I’m busy” – Nancy that’s exactly why I called – I figured you would be so I want to find some time that’s convenient for you
  • Avoid using words that salespeople use like “I understand”
  • When they say “I’m not interested”, say “that makes sense – most people aren’t”
  • When they say “send me some information” say “what specifically are you looking for?”
  • When they say “I’m busy” say, “I thought you would be”
  • When they say “I’m happy”, you should say “awesome – you shouldn’t even think about changing!”
  • Disrupt their expectation that you will fight/resist when you say no
  • Anchor statement/the ledge is to give yourself something to hold onto whilst rational brain catches up with emotional brain and gives them something to catch up to
  • 3 elements to disrupt RBO are anchor/disrupt and ask
  • Never “argue” with a prospect who tries to get rid of you – that will just piss them off
  • Plan for RBOs in advance – they are NOT unique
  • It’s a way to say “bug off” easily
  • Brush offs – I’m not interested/why don’t you call me back in a month/send me some information
  • Don’t take rejection personally (even though it feels personal)
  • Turning around RBOs – responses/brush offs and objections
  • Telephone prospecting most important thing to do – do it in the morning
  • Just “eat that frog” in the morning – ie cold call
  • No “good time” to call – ignore the noise
  • Timing telephone prospecting calls is a losing strategy
  • 5-step framework to get more callbacks:

1. Identify yourself – who you are the company you work for

2. Leave your contact information 2x – say it upfront and slowly

3. Tell them the reason for your call

4. Give them a reason to call you back

5. Repeat your name and say your phone number 2x

  • Goal is to get to “yes/no/maybe” fast
  • Goal is to get to “yes/no/maybe” fast
  • Ask for what you want and shut up
  • Use words like flexibility/options/peace of mind/save/frustrated/concerned/upset/waste of time and money
  • Use emotional words like “learn more about you and your business” “share some insights that have helped my other clients” “share some best practices that other companies in your industry are using” “gain an understanding of your unique situation” “see how we might fit”
  • “I want to talk to you” is a no-no – “talk/tell/show” are all no-no’s
  • Don’t ask how you’re doing / don’t pause after you say their name – just say it and keep moving
  • Use your prospects name immediately
  • When calling to qualify interest don’t ask for permission but calmly get sales pitch out within first 30 seconds without pausing or stuttering
  • Competition who can get most “no’s” in a set period of time
  • Power hours or power half hours is good
  • Set goal to make 50 dials per day
  • Setup daily phone blocks. Where world shut off and just focus on telephone prospecting
  • No other tool that will fill your pipe faster or deliver results faster than the phone – so stop looking at it like it’s your enemy
  • So much junk filling email inboxes and socials that most stuff blanket ignored
  • Phone calls have higher chance of getting through cos less people calling these days
  • The phone is most powerful prospecting tool because it’s typically tethered to a person
  • How do you get a salesperson to stop working? Put a phone in front of him
  • Confidence = relaxed tone of voice with appropriate modulation of voice
  • The fear of no is hardwired in us as part of flight or fight response
  • Passive Versus Assumptive statements
  • Passive versus assumptive statements make all the difference
  • Start from the assumptive position that you will get what you want
  • What would cause your prospect to say “so what?” To your message
  • Most effective way to craft a pitch for a prospect is to stand in their shoes – what might be most important for them?
  • People make decisions based upon emotional value then add logic
  • Need to create powerful bridges between you and your prospect
  • Attempting to get more information to quality the opportunity? Decision maker role or buyer window? Want to set up an initial meeting or setup an introduction to another person?
  • When Prospecting use the word ‘because’ and then give a simple reason
  • Differentiation is the attention of your prospect
  • Why do my customers choose to do business with me?
  • Power statements – prospects issues, products features that solve these issues and competitive differentiators
  • Act enthusiastic, think enthusiastic and respond saying you feel great all proven to actually lift your mood and make you feel better
  • Sales people should put a mirror near phone so you can see your expression
  • Power posing proven to reduce cortisol and increase confidence
  • Disrupt their expectation that you will fight/resist when you say no
  • Anchor statement/the ledge is to give yourself something to hold onto whilst rational brain catches up with emotional brain and gives them something to catch up to
  • 3 elements to disrupt RBO are anchor/disrupt and ask
  • Never “argue” with a prospect who tries to get rid of you – that will just piss them off
  • Plan for RBOs in advance – they are NOT unique
  • It’s a way to say “bug off” easily
  • Brush offs – I’m not interested/why don’t you call me back in a month/send me some information
  • Don’t take rejection personally (even though it feels personal)
  • Turning around RBOs – responses/brush offs and objections
  • Telephone prospecting most important thing to do – do it in the morning
  • No “good time” to call – ignore the noise
  • Timing telephone prospecting calls is a losing strategy
  • Superstars see prospecting as a way of life – do it constantly
  • Nothing happens until someone sells something