My Daily Musings, Sat 2nd Jan 2021

Table of Contents

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Evening all,

Just wanted to make sure I made a start on this before the end of the day beckons.

2nd day into the New Year and one of the big components of it in the back of my mind is breaking the 312k words mark.

This is what I managed in 2020 (more or less) – so just want to make sure I do even better this year by some margin…

How much?

Who knows?

Who cares – if I just stick with writing each day – then the rest will take care of itself.

It’s been great to spend some time with my family these holidays.

I’ve managed in the last month or so to make some qualitative improvements in the life of my parents.

I’ve bought them both an electric toothbrush, got my mum an appointment with a local podiatrist to help her sore feet, my dad some clippers so he can cut his own beard and sideburns, and just got my mum a 10.1-inch tablet so she can do her morning exercises watching from a proper screen instead of her phone.

It’s great to be able to do these small things that I know really add value to their lives.

I’ve also shown my dad how to do a plank, a proper press up, as well as, squats and raising his legs six inches off the ground. These small tweaks have increased the intensity of his workouts.

It’s lovely being at home with my parents over the holidays.

Because of Covid, I’ve stayed much longer than expected as there’s nothing for me in Fulham.

With lockdown and Strawberry in Italy – why bother staying there?

I’m headed back for a brief visit on Tuesday to get my PRP treatment however to help the ‘ol hair growth.

The end of the holidays is coming nigh and now it’s time to get back to work.

On our placement programme we’ve had several people leave over the holidays, as well as some clients wrap up their campaigns – and all of these people will need replenishing.

Some of our current campaigns aren’t seeing results either as quickly as I hoped.

Such is the nature of B2B lead generation that you don’t quite know how a campaign is going to play out.

Right now, actually, my dad has just walked into the kitchen and asked my mum what she’s cooking.

‘Chana’ she said – i.e chickpeas curry.

I should also mention how spoilt I am by my parents – especially at 34 lol. My mum asked what I want for dinner, I asked and now she’s making it.

It’s lovely being spoilt as I’ve cooked precisely zero meals since I’ve been here.

That’s why, if I ever get around to cooking regularly – and believe me I intend to with Strawberry – it’ll be such a monumental day.


Learn and execute in haste

This is perhaps whythere’s a lot of ‘rushed’ work that comes out of the Pearl Lemon camp.

I do like having an idea or learning about something and then taking immediate action based upon it.

Let me run you through some examples of this that have all happened this week:

My nootropics supplements came through:

(This probably deserves a whole blog)

Will be taking 2-per day and see how it helps me.

I ordered Thriva blood testing so I can find out what vitamin deficiencies I have and ‘medicate’ accordingly.

Nootropics and Vitamin Testing

These two things are a result of listening to the Audible ‘How To Focus’ by Anthony Heston.

It’s actually a combination of several short books rolled into one – and includes sections on Photographic Memory, Laziness, 10x, and Overthinking.

The part on memory talks about supplements – or specific plant extracts that have shown to basically do lots of good things for humans.

I did some googling (I ultimately definitely need to do more) – but consequently, I’ve decided to give this a go and see if it can turn me into Morpheus.

Similarly, the Thriva piece is something I’ve actually ordered before but never used – thus totally wasting my money.

This time it’ll be different because I’m more willing to try and help myself than I ever have been.

Growing My Personal Brand

It’s no secret that I’m writing – and some might construe this as an attempt to grow my personal brand but I’m pretty sure you can tell I’m writing ultimately for myself lol.

If you’re here as well – then bonus!

But I AM taking some steps (75 blogs later) to work a little more systematically on my growth

  • I’ve asked Lydia to set up Facebook ads for my personal YouTube channel to help grow it out.
  • I’ve also asked Lydia to delete all of my old crappy LinkedIn posts.
  • I’ve also asked Chris Sowersmy writing coach to start repurposing my content for LinkedIn also to help grow my content and following there.
  • The team is setting up Sendfox because it has the RSS feed to email feature for my website content.
  • I’ve asked to think about how to compile some of my content into free kindle books as a means of growing my audience.

Also – I’ve had Chris publish maybe 15-20 blogs on Medium now, and I got a piece of feedback yesterday that made my day – which was ‘you are an excellent writer’.

It gave Chris and I the strength to keep moving forward with our Medium growth journey and the posting here will CONTINUE, and LinkedIn is a natural extension of it

Hopefully, this gives some context as to why I can forget things as the actions and activities will literally stack up very very quickly

My Continuing Education

I’ve just started watching some videos and reading some blogs by content monster Nat Eliason.

Anything I learn I’m passing onto some of my team so the learning is shared.

There are several experts I’m going to be looking deeply into over the month of January to keep my knife sharp.

I’ll be looking at Nat Eliason (as mentioned), Brendon Burchard, Matthew Woodward, Liam James Kay, Nick Kozmin, and Brian Dean.

I’m hoping to pour through as many relevant pieces of content from them as possible

Ironically – this has just made me remember that I have Charm Offensive templates I split with my buddy Umesh at Pulse Pixel

Just found the logins and will do a massive download So there’s that also

Other Stuff

Upon hearing one of my PR/Content team members mention there are lots of grammar/punctuation issues on our internal sites I’ve already asked two within my team to start combing through looking for English language and grammar eros

Dinner beckons

So I’ve been writing this whilst my mum has been making aloo protha and now well yes – dinner beckons lol 🙂

Check it out:

And this is the time:

And I’m over and out 🙂

45 minutes of writing aaaaaaannddd – (let me check):

Not bad!

Laters haha 🙂