Close That Sale by Brian Tracy – Book Summary

Close That Sale by Brian Tracy

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Close That Sale by Brian Tracy

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Close That Sale by Brian Tracy

Deepak Shukla’s Notes Close That Sale by Brian Tracy:

Hey guys,

I finished reading this book on the 10th January 2021.

Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:

“Close That Sale! The 24 Best Sales Closing Techniques Ever Discovered is perhaps the most valuable small book in the world of selling and business today. In 25 fast-moving chapters, based on thousands of sales conversations, and the experience of more than 1,000,000 salespeople worldwide, you learn how to make more sales, faster than you ever thought possible.”

And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:

  • Key to success is to ask boldly. Ask for the sale
  • Use throwaway presentations to develop your skills
  • Anyone whose been working in sales for more than 90 days should be working on referrals almost 100% of the time
  • Go back to all customers and ask how they’re doing. What was their experience of working with us and if there’s anything we can do for them? Call them personally one by one
  • Never leave a presentation without at least 2 referrals
  • The referral close
  • Doorknob close
  • Relevant story close
  • The order sheet close
  • The summary close
  1. Now let’s go briefly go over everything we just talked about
  2. Briefly summarise benefits and features one by one down to last feature
  3. Can you think of anything else? When they say ‘no’ you say well why don’t we give it a try
  4. Should have at least 10 features your product has
  • Ben Franklin close
  1. Weigh pros and cons
  2. Mr Prospect let’s use the Ben Franklin method – he used this method and he became one of the richest men in America
  3. Have prospect fill this all out on sheet of paper. Is there anything else (for positives)
  4. Have him write down every buying reason they can think of
  5. Is that everything?
  6. Now fill out the other side – prospect will generally say 1/2 things
  7. You say well it looks like you’ve made your decision expectantly
  • Puppy dog close
  1. Free 7-day trial and if you aren’t happy we won’t bill you?
  2. Just sign up via c/card for gold plan
  • Concur close
  1. Hold on let me check with Semil as to which package he recommends – yes he thinks you’ll do excellently with your company on the gold plan
  • Takeaway close
  1. Talking to a couple of lawyers in Miami and am only looking to work with one
  2. ‘Give me a moment let me message our onboarding team to see if we fulfilled our quarterly quota on this package
  3. We’ve got 2 more left for bronze and 1 more left for silver
  4. Say ‘let me check how many more gold packages we’re accepting this quarter…
  5. We’ve only got 1 more left would you like to buy it? else we’re closed until September- but I can add you to our waiting list if you like

  • The assumption close
  1. Talking past the close
  2. Ask a post-sale question
  3. Talk as if buying the product is a minor detail
  • The preference close
  1. Always ask prospect to make a close between products
  • Secondary close
  1. Close on a minor question rather than whole offer
  2. Btw do you want your reporting weekly or bi-weekly?
  3. What day you want the campaign to start?
  4. Do you pay by credit or debit card usually?
  • The invitational close
  1. Why don’t you give it a try?
  2. Make it sound like purchasing the service is no big deal
  3. Why don’t you take the silver package?
  4. What package would you like?
  • Power of suggestion close
  1. Create emotions in the prospect as if he/she owns the product you’re doing to sell
  2. You’re really going to enjoy the level of transparency we have
  3. You’ll really appreciate the weekly reporting updates you’ll get
  4. Continually create mental pictures for them with your product/service
  5. Just think….
  6. Just imagine!
  7. Emotional word pictures makes them move from thinking about buying to how they’re going to use it /appreciate it
  • Trial close / Check close
  1. What do you think so far?
  2. Is this better than what you’re doing right now?
  3. And if they say ‘no’ you can say ‘thats ok we’ve also got….’
  • Telling is not selling!
  • Hot button close
  1. 80% of decision determined by 20% of the features products and benefits
  2. Key is to finding prospect hot button and keep pushing it again and again until prospect buys
  3. Skilful closers ask enough questions and then listen carefully for Freudian slip
  • The approach close
  • Closing on appointments
  1. Aim on a call is to setup an appointment for a demo
  2. If they ask ‘how much is it’ you say Mr prospect if it isn’t exactly what you’re looking for than there is no cost at all
  3. If he says ‘could you tell me what is it?’ you say well that’s exactly why I need 10 mins of your time
  4. Remember good prospects are busy bad prospects have all the time in the world
  5. O’c’mon why can’t you tell me?’ yes I’d love to but there’s something I need to show you
  6. Could you email me? ‘Id love to email you but it’s something I really need to demonstrate to you’
  7. Calendar close ‘do you have your calendar in front of you?’
  • Fear of rejection
  1. Expect sales resistance
  • Must qualify the prospect
  1. Does the prospect need what you are selling?
  2. Can the prospect use what you are selling – maybe be a company/human limitations?
  3. Can the prospect afford the product?
  4. Does the person want the product?
  • Confident expectations that they will buy
  • Have to be enthusiastic about your service