Applying To The SAS Part 2 (ATC Pirbright)

Reading Time: 5 minutes (Please note army vets – this is just the recounting of my application process – nothing I write is intended to reveal/mislead/misrepresent anything about the British Army) I’d had an incredible week in Georgia with Davit that showed me there was a pain I never knew. Now it was time to head out for the […]

Training For An Ironman With A Former Paratrooper and National Swim Coach

Reading Time: 6 minutes In a couple of months, I was going to be on a plane headed to South Africa via Dubai. Right now I was living in Via Vanchiglia in Turin, Italy whilst trying to figure out what to do with my career. It was 2015 and Daniela and I, after my various trips around the world, […]

My Heroes; My Gratitude And The Life Lessons They’ve Taught Me

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, I wanted to talk about some of the people that have inspired/enriched my life and attach a lesson to each one of them that hopefully, you can learn from as well. My father – Ram Laut Shukla: loyalty, hard work and responsibility LOYALTY My dad has taught me many things. ‘Happy wife, happy […]

Coming Last In My Very First Triathlon in Lausanne Switzerland (Part 2)

Reading Time: 9 minutes I was wondering what the deal was as I walked along the pathway where the other swimmers were waiting for the triathlon to start. It seemed that absolutely everyone except me was wearing a wetsuit. I wasn’t really sure why as the weather was great and I didn’t think you’d need it. As I walked […]

Coming Last In My Very First Triathlon in Lausanne Switzerland (Part 1)

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’d just flown in from Barcelona where I’d got this awesome tattoo of a muay Thai fighter on my thigh. The plan on landing in Geneva, Switzerland was that I’d stay with Luc for the month at his family home in Lausanne. It was August 2014 and a brilliant time to be in Europe. Once […]

Starting a Dog Grooming Business from Home

Reading Time: 5 minutes Dogs provide companionship, love, and laughter. Their simple presence can brighten up our day and make us feel happier. Grooming is essential for keeping our dog’s coat healthy and looking its best. Many people love their dogs but hate the task of grooming. A dog grooming business can provide convenience to these pet lovers. Start […]

Light it up: How to Start a Candle Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes Candles have been used for centuries as decoration and to create a mood. Today, candle businesses offer a variety of scents and sizes to choose from. Candles can also be personalised with names or designs. Deepak Shukla and our team have been selling candles, and many other businesses offer related services such as candle making, […]

How to Easily Make and Sell Cakes from Your Kitchen Table!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Our team love baking cakes. Deepak Shukla and our team have established our cake business at home. If you want to start your own cake business but are worried, it might be difficult, then great news! It’s not as hard as we thought. With a bit of effort, you can be baking cakes for customers […]

How To Start A Business With No Money

Business With No Money

Reading Time: 4 minutes Starting a business is a great way to make your path in life, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many resources available to help you get started, and the most important thing is to have a clear idea of what you want your business to do. As part of our business startup, […]

How to Start a Clothing Line

Start A Clothing Line

Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you interested in starting your clothing line in the UK? This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide to starting your fashion business. Deepak Shukla and our team have established business ideas, pricing, and production options, created brand and marketing channels, worked with major retailers and launched our clothing line. Steps on How […]

How to Start a Jewelry Business in the UK

Start a Jewelry Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes Jewellery is a popular choice for personal adornment. It’s an elegant, timeless way to express yourself and can make a statement about who you are. There are different types of jewellery, from simple anklets and necklaces to intricate brooches and earrings. Jewellery can be made from many different materials, including precious metals like gold and […]

The Key To My Productivity Process

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, So I’ve not done an official word count check yet but I started this journey on December the 5th – but this was the status update that I wrote. I quickly checked the last 6 blog posts I’ve written and here is the word count: #35 – 1400 #36 – 1800 #37 – […]

Fighting Muay Thai And Winning via TKO in Rio, Brazil

Reading Time: 6 minutes I stepped into the ring with my headgear on and nervousness living within me. This was it. This is what I’d been training relentlessly for – for the last 7-weeks. I’d have gruelling sessions 5-6 times a week in the general classes with the pro and amateur fighters and then I’d have my own private […]

From London Heathrow To a Brothel In Caracas, Venezuela

Reading Time: 5 minutes I was on the plane headed to Caracas, Venezuela from Madrid. My heart fluttered, as the magnitude of my adventure was starting to sink in. I couldn’t hear anyone on the plane speaking English as we began to leave the runway. Furthermore, my family thought I’d be just fine this time around. After all, from […]

Building Out 1More Rep – The Fitness Bootcamp Business

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, Today I wanted to talk about building a fitness bootcamp franchise with my good friend Scott Henderson. Here’s some of our clients: What I’ll do is to talk through several elements of it – beginning with why it’s something that just makes sense for me: I love sports, health & fitness. Right now […]