Losing £100,000 In A Business Scam

Reading Time: 10 minutes Today’s a special one. I was compelled to put together a document demonstrating the nefarious dealings of a business partner of mine some time ago. This story was never going to see the light of day outside of the lawyers. But now, by changing names and adjusting a couple of things – I want to […]

My Journey To Writing My First Ever Novel

Reading Time: 6 minutes ‘You know you should check out coach.me – I’m told it’s a really good place to find coaches that are cost-effective for you to work with’. Amir had sent me a video saying this and it seemed to light up a bulb inside my head. ‘Dude, I promise you that I’m going to hire a […]

Turning 34, and thinking about next 5 years

Reading Time: 6 minutes I turned 34 recently (August 18th). Who knows how old you are? Who knows at what age you’ll be reading this :p But I thought I’d share some reflections about being 34, and what I’m now thinking about. Well. Pearl Lemon really did, back in October 2016 when it was Purr Traffic and a full-service […]

The Death Of My Involvement In 1 More Rep

Reading Time: 6 minutes It’d been only a month or so since I’d written the newsletter about building out 1 More Rep. I’d wake up and feel a deep sense of unease in my gut. Scott, my business partner was doing an amazing job of running Facebook ads and it was driving lots of local inquiries for his boot […]

7 Months Later

Reading Time: 8 minutes It was the winter of 2019 and I’d decided to myself – you know what Deepak – you love writing. Words have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. 3 months later, come Jan 22nd I’d written close to 91,000 words. I definitely hadn’t seen that coming. But by […]

A Snapshot Of Life During The Coronavirus

Reading Time: 5 minutes I walked through the door with a cup of Earl Grey tea clasped in my hand and the slither of steam ebbing through the small lip-hold sat upon the plastic cup container. Daniela was in her study, head buried in her phone, barely acknowledging me as I walked through the door. I wandered around our […]

Getting 40% Of My Body Covered In Tattoos

Reading Time: 6 minutes Aras bent over my thigh as he worked away, etching Ganesh deep into the back of my thigh. He refused to work on anything that wasn’t a full day and that didn’t contain a lot of detail. He was passionate about all the tattoos he created and becomes a man of extreme focus when putting […]

Walking Nonstop For 24 Hours Across London And Travelling 50+ Miles

Reading Time: 7 minutes It seemed achievable. If a bit scary. I was in training to head to Portugal, Lisbon to live for a few months but then ultimately fly to Madeira as part of that trip to compete in a 115km ultramarathon; heading up into the mountains of this archipelago. I hadn’t conceived of spending that long on […]

I’ve Decided To Continue

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hey guys, I’m back! I missed you all…and as it turns out I still have plenty of stories in me to tell so I decided that I’d continue writing. It got addictive. I managed a 35-day streak and now I want to see if I can keep going for another X days and see where […]

The End Of 52 Days And Reflections Upon Writing 65,000 Words in 35 Days

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey guys, It’s crazy to think that I only decided I’d start writing this newsletter 35 days ago. It goes to show (me) what you can achieve with a little bit of focus. And what momentum can do for you – given I’ve overshot my original target of 52,000 words. I want to give you […]

My 27-Hour Ultramarathon In Madeira

Reading Time: 6 minutes It was midnight. What a strange time to be setting off! Sleeping in the daytime hadn’t really happened. But resting had. For the rest, I was counting on adrenalin to see me through. As the event came closer and I studied the elevation and length online whilst in Lisbon my nerves grew. My longest event […]

My Dating Journey Learnt From Backpacking, Books And Never Dating An Indian

Reading Time: 5 minutes Elin, Sarah and Tracey. They’re the names of the first girls I ‘fancied’. That was ages 11, 11 and 14. Takeela, Louise and Zoe are three more (all from my teen years). I guess you remember many of your first memories of ‘first things’ – they tend to stick with you I didn’t really understand […]

Backpacking Alone In India As A British Indian In 2014

Reading Time: 5 minutes My dad and I said our goodbyes abruptly. I’d been unhappy in the village; my father’s village for the one night I’d been there. As night had set in, with the lack of doors and windows, power and use of simple nets and incense sticks to fend off mosquitoes – I felt like I was […]

Getting My First Tattoo Drunk In A Bar…..In Thailand

Reading Time: 4 minutes I was 18 and in search of adventure. I hadn’t enjoyed most of my childhood – at least the parts of it I remember anyway. I’d been most nervous, shy, felt ugly like I didn’t fit in, and focused on staying alive. I’d never really thought about thriving. I wanted to thrive. I wanted to […]