A Business Book That Will Change Your Life

Business book

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hi guys, Every day I try and read for 30 minutes at 2-2.2x speed so I ensure that I can keep learning new things and bettering myself. I’m trying to (and it’s becoming) a ritualistic part of my day to get this learning in. Any day that goes by without this happening feels somewhat incomplete. […]

The Story Of The Pearl Lemon Placement Programme

Pearl Lemon Placements

Reading Time: 14 minutes Hi guys, Morning again! Today I want to tell you the story of the Pearl Lemon Placement programme. It’s more than likely the people reading this are either already on the programme or just now considering joining it. So I thought it would be cool to tell you the founding story behind it 🙂 The […]

The Story of Pearl Lemon Leads

Reading Time: 15 minutes Hi guys, Morning once again – Now I’ve written the story of Pearl Lemon – I’d also like to write the story of Pearl Lemon Leads and continue on that journey. First of all – Pearl Lemon Leads is the lead generation side of Pearl Lemon. Whereas Pearl Lemon is the SEO side of the […]

How to Increase Perceived Value and Charge More?

Reading Time: 10 minutes Morning all, I’m reading Dotcom Secrets right now by Russel Brunson having already read his other book ‘Expert Secrets’ about storytelling and how to create funnels. These books are part of a trilogy, with the third being Traffic Secrets. If you check out the reviews these books have been given online it’s impressive. Russel Brunson […]

Trying to Figure Out My Internet Journey

Internet Journey

Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning all, I was just sat randomly getting lost in Nat Eliason’s content and the following the dude has built online. Very smart guy, who built a 7-figure content marketing agency, Growth Machine – and is in the process of moving away from that. Then I discovered he has gone Elk Hunting, written a book […]

The Stunning Power of Pets on Your Happiness and Health

Reading Time: 7 minutes Late start today! I’ve just seen my cat Jenny shuttling around my parent’s place and it gave me cause to think about the world before having pets around. Animals first came into my life in 2014, pretty much by accident. I was living (weird saying that now) in Rio, Brazil for a couple of months […]

How I Wrote 21,000 Words in My Spare Time in 9 Days?

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hey guys, The time again: I was asked by a new internet friend of mine about my content strategy. Or the methodology / ‘step-by-step’ guide for writing. How is it that in the year of 2020 I managed to write over 300,000 words, run my marketing agency and do a bunch of other random things […]

Buying Properties for Less Than £30K in Cash

Buying Properties

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning all! (he says to his imaginary audience lol) Being Indian, I’m pretty tight-fisted when it comes to where I spend and where I don’t spend. In fact, let me rephrase. Like most business owner’s – I love getting value for my money. In October of 2019, I properly decided to get into the property […]

The Plant Sumo Origin Story

Reading Time: 15 minutes I think it was August 25th that Wadah and I met in Mcdonald’s of all places, haha to discuss what would ultimately become Plant Sumo – our vegan food delivery service. I’d been toying around with the idea of launching some kind of food business over the last year spanning 2019-2020. My affinity for food […]

What It Feels Like Knowing My Parents Will Die One Day

die one day

Reading Time: 10 minutes   Morning all! Here’s today’s time. I actually shed a couple of tears this morning. I was reading a book called “How To Focus” by Anthony Heston – and part of it covers health. That got me onto googling ‘How To Take Care Of Your Health In Your 30s’ and it got me onto one […]

The Problems With My Blog I Need to Fix

Reading Time: 7 minutes Morning all, I’m starting my writing block much later today so I feel pressed for time. That’s why I’m curious to see what I’ll output today. And this is inherently what’s wrong with my blog I’m sure. I make things up as I go along. This was something I was justifying to my friend Courtenay […]

Why I Devote 4:30 AM to 10:30 AM Mon-Friday To Learning + Reading?

Learning - Reading

Reading Time: 7 minutes So, right now the time is: I’m not sure how long this post will end up being as I’ve just spent a solid hour or so continuing a different blog post about my hair transplant lol. But I felt motivated to write this up quickly because it outlines why exactly I do what I do. […]

Why I Don’t Intend on Checking My Email More Than 2x a Day?

Email Checking

Reading Time: 6 minutes First day back at work today. New year, new Covid and all. Last year I set out on a mission to not check my email before 11 am each day. I’d first read about this idea of ‘batching’ from Tim Ferriss before I think – in the 4-hour work-week, several years ago. I thought it […]

My Daily Musings, Sat 2nd Jan 2021

Reading Time: 6 minutes Evening all, Just wanted to make sure I made a start on this before the end of the day beckons. 2nd day into the New Year and one of the big components of it in the back of my mind is breaking the 312k words mark. This is what I managed in 2020 (more or […]

My Aspirations for 2021

Reading Time: 7 minutes So, Here’s the time, this time. And this time it’s another stream of consciousness in planning for 2021 and outlining what my hopes for this coming year are. You know – a lot of people are setting goals for themselves, their businesses and all… And I’m realising I have no interest in setting goals. I […]

2020 in Reflection

Reading Time: 15 minutes Hi guys, Here’s the time, and I’ve just got back from an 11km run. My first run of 2021. Strawberry (my partner) is in Italy atm and she sent me images for each month of the year in 2020. I’ve been getting various 2021 New Years Resolutions types of stuff as well as 2020 in […]