Hofstadter’s Law And Why It’s Important In Business

Hofstadters's law

Reading Time: 8 minutes   Morning all, Proud moment for me – I’ve been blogging for a month consistently now. I don’t remember a time where I’ve managed to do this each day and really enjoy the process of writing each morning and not feel encumbered by the process as if it takes something from me. I definitely feel […]

My At Home Blood Test Journey and Thriva Blood Test Review

At-Home Blood Test

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hi guys, Late start to my day today: Not sure I’m going to reach my blog and writing targets but we can only try. However, I rang my local doctor this morning to set up a phone consultation as I got my at-home blood test results last week and discovered that my iron levels are […]

The 14 Rules To Becoming A Master At Improvisation In Business

Master at Improvisation

Reading Time: 11 minutes   Morning all – Later start today: But I recorded two videos for my Youtube channel as well as launched 2 new ads for Facebook (that was actually what I recorded). I improvised my morning (to a degree). Since I started this ‘morning routine journey’ Jan 1st, the routine is broadly always changing within more […]

Blogging vs Vlogging And My Approach In 2021


Reading Time: 9 minutes Morning guys, Feeling pleased today as it’s a Saturday and yet I’m still up at 644am – about to start this blog. I’ve actually been sorting out several videos I’m planning to record: As well as launching a Facebook ad to drive traffic to a playlist I have and well… Blogging Versus Vlogging (since I’m […]

How To Just Keep Going When Your Motivation Dips

Kepp going

Reading Time: 9 minutes Morning all, 3 hours 17 minutes later than when I’m normally out of bed and working. 3 hours 17 minutes to somehow make up and find the time to push out everything that I want to – which is as follows: This blog (naturally) 5 Quora answers 4 videos All before 1030am – which is […]

The Misunderstood Truth About Quality Over Quantity [And How To Apply It]

Quality over Quantity

Reading Time: 10 minutes Morning all, Up on time today and ready to write – (although given I wake up at 430 it’s still taking too long to get sat down and read to start hammering away) Anyway, I was just doing a count of YouTube videos that I have that are yet to go live – and the […]

Why Consistency Is The Ultimate Key To Success [and how to use it]

Consistency is key to success

Reading Time: 9 minutes Morning all, Today marks day 26th of my writing – It’s definitely not the 5am time (or before) I’m ideally writing by – but it got me thinking about consistency in general. In parallel I’m watching some eCommerce business launch courses and one of the things that the main dude Franklin Hathchett says is that […]

How To Deal With Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And In Life


Reading Time: 9 minutes     Hi guys, It seemed pertinent to write a guide on how to deal with feeling overwhelmed at work and in life right now because that’s literally what I’m feeling at the moment. And I wanted to share with you my ‘real world’ i.e coping mechanisms I’m instilling whilst I type in the hope […]

How Can Investors Receive Compounding Returns?

Compounding Interest

Reading Time: 9 minutes Hey guys, It took me longer than normal to get set up today. I’m beginning to question this second screen and the overall setup I’ve got. Not sure if it’s taking me more time to get set up than is worth it. However – when thinking of this and the reasons why I have this […]

Building a Soap Opera Sequence

Building Soap Opera Sequences

Reading Time: 11 minutes     Hey all, Back at it again, this time to talk once more about what I’m learning from Dotcom Secrets, and Russel Brunson’s insights. I’d like to run through the concept of a Soap Opera sequence and what an amazing concept they are and how it works in practice. So, first of all, let’s […]

The Power Of Having A Personal Board of Directors


Reading Time: 8 minutes   Morning all, I got talking to my accountability coach yesterday, and she brought to mind a subject I’d really like to share with you today. It’s something that as an entrepreneur who spends the majority of the time by himself and communicating with people who ultimately follow my instructions I’m in desperate need of. […]

Do You Have The Psychology Of A Competitive Person?

Competitive person

Reading Time: 6 minutes Afternoon all, Uncharacteristically late start for me today. I’ve finally gone back home to Fulham so I’m just readjusting my schedule and trying to get back into the swing of things here. Today was a 1030am not 430am start haha – so I’ve definitely got a ton of catching up today. Which leads me onto […]

The Power of Now Summary by Eckhart Tolle

power of now

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hi guys, It’s a late one today but let’s see what I’m able to get done. So I’m actually listening to a summary of the ‘Power of Now’ itself – and it’s actually inspired me to write this blog post. There’s an irony to this as the audiobook ultimately talks about the present moment being […]

Why I Choose Progress Over Perfection & How I Implement It?

Progress over perfection

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hullo all, Here’s the time again: I’m writing a 2nd blog for the day again today – but I’m following my impulses and running with it. I haven’t recorded any videos today but oh well – I feel like writing more – which leads me onto this point: _______________ I recently read a book called […]

Realising My Marketing & Sales Funnels Are Totally Wrong

Marketing and sales funnels

Reading Time: 6 minutes Morning all, Here’s the time of writing at least. I’ve just put down my phone with the audiobook I’m listening to (Dotcom Secrets by Russel Brunson) – and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry (so is the pent up energy inside of me) – that instead, I chose to write. Fundamentally – listening […]