My Journey to Build a Business That Runs Itself

Journey to Build A Business

Reading Time: 8 minutes   Morning all, I’m excited to write this blog because this is absolutely what’s top of mind for me at the moment. My Transition Into Becoming Independent Of The Business Taking Pearl Lemon to the next level in terms of being a business. I’m in the process of figuring out how I can make the […]

How to Be an Adult in Relationships Using the 5 A’s?

How to be an Adult

Reading Time: 9 minutes   Morning all, Here’s the time: I want to talk today about how to be an adult in relationships using the 5 A’s. Now I’ve not actually read David Richo’s book ‘How to be an adult in relationships’ (but I intend to now). I really wanted to talk about my challenges in my own relationship […]

My Journey to Become a 7-Figure Copywriter

7-Figure Copywriter

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Morning guys, Here’s the time. I struggled a little to figure out what to write about this morning. I’m slowly beginning to debate the power of thinking ahead when it comes to deciding what to write these mornings. Let’s see what tomorrow brings. Furthermore, I’m not getting the reward from Google I was hoping […]

How to Cope With Emotional Distance in a Relationship?


Reading Time: 6 minutes   Morning all, I wanted to start this blog at least before I finish up my blogging for the day. I’ve definitely been feeling emotional distance from my partner for several weeks now and thought it would be a good opportunity to analyse it with you. One of the challenges of the kind of person […]

How to Wake Up Early and Not Be Miserable?

Wake up early

Reading Time: 10 minutes   Hey guys, The time is 07.09am and I think it’s quite late. But then… It is Saturday morning and it may be the case that most people on a Saturday at this time of the day are asleep. And as yesterday I was training my team on time management – one of the things […]

Bird Box Film Review

Bird Box

Reading Time: 8 minutes   Hey guys, Just finished rewatching ‘Bird Box’ with Sandra Bullock. What a really good movie! I promised myself each time I finished a movie that I feel is worth talking about I’d write up a review. So here I am again on that same journey! Directed by Susanne Beir, Bird Box is a 2018 […]

How To Cope With Being Anxious And Angry

cope with anxiety

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Hey guys, Here’s the time right now: I kind of just wanted to make a start on this before it escapes my mind. If you’ve ever experienced random bouts of anxiety-like the one I’m having now…. Then this is the blog post for you. I wanted to get this ‘off my chest’ before I […]

Michael Inside – Netflix Film Review

Michael Inside Review

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Here’s a movie I watched yesterday (Saturday 27th February) I stumbled upon it whilst looking for movies to watch on Netflix and noticed it was an Irish prison drama. So I haven’t watched many Irish movies at all, and the accent, alongside the fact that I enjoy prison drama’s in general (I’ve also been […]

Where Does Inspiration Come From?


Reading Time: 9 minutes   Hi all, Wow – it’s been several days since I got back to writing. It felt weird not writing – and now it feels weird writing at 17.15. But – I’ve got my Pomodoro running: And off to the races I go. What I’m doing literally right now got me thinking also – Where […]

The Monotony of Life and Its Boring Routines

The Monotony Of Life

Reading Time: 7 minutes   Morning all, Wow! 4th March… I started on this journey on the 1st of Jan which means I’ve been going now for 65 days more or less. No wonder I feel like the journey is monotonous as hell. And it brought me to a wider challenge of life (especially during lockdown) that I think […]

16 Steps To Pratically Implement Succession Planning In Your Business For Founders


Reading Time: 13 minutes   Morning all, I had a conversation with Max Newton yesterday in brief that’s been spurred on by my feelings of being tired of my agency. And so Max mentioned ‘we need to do some succession planning’ and it struck me that this was probably what I’ve been doing unwittingly since the beginning of January. […]

How I Overcame Cripping Self Doubt In Life And My Relationships

Overcome cripping self doubt

Reading Time: 9 minutes   Hi guys, The time is: I had a chat with one of my team yesterday (I’ll not name him/her to protect their identity given the sensitive nature of this topic). But in their tone of voice, in their questions – I heard myself, and some things I struggled with so much of my adult […]

The Boy on the Bridge Review

The boy and the bridge

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Hey guys, I finished writing my review of ‘The Girl With All The Gifts’ – and it seems appropriate to write a review about the prequel to this book by the same author M.R. Carey. I listened to it immediately after as it had got some cracking reviews on Audible – with some saying […]

How To Deal With Incompetent People

Deal with Incomplete people

Reading Time: 10 minutes   Morning guys, Very late start to the day today, And on the basis of some challenges I’ve had within my own team – it feels like this is a totally appropriate topic to focus upon – When you’re dealing with incompetent people, employees, colleagues, partners, co-workers – knowing how to manage that process is […]

10 Insights on Training to Deal With Difficult People

Deal with Difficult people

Reading Time: 8 minutes   Morning all, Here are today’s time and I’ve been up since 430am. My day yesterday was spent dealing with a difficult person. It was a merry-go-round of issues that didn’t really seem to fix itself as neatly as I wished – despite my best efforts. And if you’ve landed upon this blog – maybe […]

A 9-Step Strategy To Conducting Business and Marketing Experiments

a 9 steps strategy

Reading Time: 9 minutes   Morning all The time today 🙂 I was inspired to write this blog this morning because I’ve been up since 430am – and part of my time was spent doing a couple of things: What Led Me To Discussing Business And Marketing Experiments First of all – it looks like my YouTube shorts are […]