The End Of 52 Days And Reflections Upon Writing 65,000 Words in 35 Days

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Hey guys,

It’s crazy to think that I only decided I’d start writing this newsletter 35 days ago.

It goes to show (me) what you can achieve with a little bit of focus.

And what momentum can do for you – given I’ve overshot my original target of 52,000 words.

I want to give you some additional thoughts I’ve had since starting this – and also to discuss what’s changed over the last 30 days in my life to give you a sense of what the ‘norm’ is.

  • I’m rebuilding Pearl Lemon Leads from the ground up operationally to make it a more effective agency with an amazing cold emailing function alongside finding a cold caller
  • I’ve hired a PR agency on a 3-month contract to help me try and grow my brand (which is in part why I’m also sharing these stories with you) and hopefully wind up on Forbes etc – let’s see!
  • I’m exploring starting my own billion $ tech-startup based around financial investment products with this chap Eric Watson which could be a big deal
  • I’m trying to secure a regular show on SEMRush about starting an SEO agency
  • 2 mortgage offers have come through. I’ve exchanged on one of them ( #1 mortgage = £320, rent = £900/property £205k #2 mortgage = £80, rent = £485 property £78k)
  • I’ve got a former nasty client trying to sue me – so new experience (and blog I guess) for me!

Gmail View

  • I’ve got a new intern Sam started here wrote a blog about his first week with us – I also asked the interns (Sam, Ellen, and Lydia) to post 1x a week about what they’re up to – it all goes there.

Intern Update

  • I’ve started 30 days of videos for 1morerep as of 5 days ago:

YouTube Videos

  • Lydia will be putting up all of my Soundcloud albums (there are several on Itunes/Spotify etc) via Distrokid!
  • I’m delving into offering web development (signed off 3 web projects) so looking to aggressively expand this/build a Pakistani office etc
  • This morning I noticed someone who liked my status update that runs a CBD marketing agency so I’m immediately getting a 10k blog post written so we can then do blogger outreach for it and win SEO clients of course

CBD Leads

  • I generated a new revenue stream by monetizing my SaaS review YouTube channel (very excited about where this could go!)

Channel Analytics

There is probably other stuff I’ve forgotten – but this is the ‘new stuff’ alongside all the things you already know that you’ve read about in this post.

I guess what I’m trying to underline is that we can all achieve more in LESS time than we think.

It’s just a question of sticking to a rapid operating tempo and acting upon what do look to be good ideas.

Invariably most of them will ‘fail’. But failure is, of course, learning – assuming you fail differently.

Now one of the things that are yet to be determined is whether this journey I’ve taken you on will be worth it.

At the very least – what I’m most pleased about is that I took 35 days to put it together and that with this I’ve created a body of work that will forever remain my story.

I’ve driven millions of views on Quora, tried to build an audience on YouTube only to not be met with success as well as had moments on LinkedIn where I’ve written updates that drove millions of views.

This living body of work represents the most consistent I’ve been when it comes to building the story of my life.

And to think I did it in a couple of hours per day around my day job.

So with that, I wish you well!

Thank you so much for being with me.
