Reading Time: 3 minutes
Deepak Shukla’s Notes On Summary of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves :
Hey guys,
I finished reading this book on the 10th of January 2021.
Here’s a synopsis of the book I grabbed from Amazon:
“The answer has to do with EQ – emotional intelligence – or the lack thereof. In our society, we try to stifle our emotions. We also tend to try to stifle the emotions of those around us. As a result, we never really connect with ourselves, making it impossible to connect. That is where this guide comes in.”
And here are my actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on Audible:
- Statistic
- 17. Catch the mood of the room
- 16. Get an anonymous EQ survey done by a team
- 15. Step into their shoes
- 14. Test for accuracy
- 13. Understand the rules of the culture game
- 12.60 people are watching!
- 11, Practice listening
- 10. Watch EQ everytime you watch Prime or Netix
- 9.60 on 15 minute tour.
- 8. 15-minute live at the moment
- 7. Clear away the clutter in your brain
- 6. Plan ahead for social meetings
- 5. Don’t take notes at meetings
- 4. Develop a back pocket question
- 3. Make Timing everything
- 2. Watch body language
- 1. Greet people by name
- Socal awareness strategies
- 15. Accept that change is just around the comer
- 14. Treat everyone who you engage with as someone you can learn from
- 13. Speak to someone who is not emotionally invested in your problems
- 12. Focus on your freedoms rather than your restraints
- 11. No more caffeine after 130m
- 10. Visualise yourself succeeding
- 9. Take control of your self-talk
- 8. Set aside some time each day for problem-solving
- 7. Smile and laugh more
- 6. Tak to an effective setf manager
- 5. Sleep on it
- 4. Count to every time 19
- 3. Make your goals public
- 2. Create an emotion Vs reason 1st when conflicted
- 1. Breathe in the right (most people shallow breath in)
- 17 Self Management Strategies
- 15, Get to know yourself under stress
- 14, Seek Feedback on your moods
- 13. Spot your emotions in books, movies and music (olay the game)
- 12. Check yourself
- 11. Checkin with your core values – are your actions in line with the – emotions will tell you
- 10. Ask yours why you do the things you do
- 9. Don’t be fooled by good moos, either
- 8. Don’tbe fooled by 3 bad mood
- 7. Keep an emotional journal
- 6. Watch yourself like & hawk observing every move from high above
- 5. Who and what pushes your buttons?
- 4. Feel your emotions physically
- 3. Lean into your discomfort
- 2. Observe the ripple effect from your emotions
- 1. Become more mindful of your emotions (get better at observing them without attaching any feelings to them)
- Self awareness strategies