Blog SEO: how to increase your organic traffic in 90 days

Blog SEO: how to increase your organic traffic in 90 days
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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Maybe your website views have tailed off in recent months, or you’re just not having success in growing the audience of your online platform. Increasing your organic traffic to your blog, and your website as a whole is easier than you might think if you have a plan in place. With these four strategies, improving SEO on your blog can be painless, practical and incredibly successful – in just 90 days.

1. Simplify and improve the quality of your website

One of the most significant problems that can face businesses when it comes to their SEO is the quality of their website as a whole. While it may be tempting to simply think that populating an existing blog with content is enough, that’s far from the truth.

If your blog is hosted on a clunky, old-fashioned or difficult-to-navigate website, then you’re going to lose your audience left and right. The first step to improving SEO on your blog is improving the quality of your site. This could mean improving navigation, changing services to one with a better loading time or even starting from scratch.

It can be tempting to think of Google rankings as purely content-based, but this isn’t true. This is especially the case if you’re attempting to improve SEO by simply adding new content that’s completely different from what’s already there. Going back and looking at existing content and your web design should be step one.

As part of your new content plan, rewriting existing blog posts or even website content should be highly advised. Not only does this ensure uniformity in content, but it also prevents the loss of pages where content is outdated or no longer required; which can result in lower rankings over time.

It’s also important to note that using effective redirects are a must to ensure you don’t drop in Google rankings when reworking your website. Simply leaving dead links can lead to a problem further down the line; so stopping to tidy up your existing platform is doubly vital to achieving better SEO.

2. Research and identify high-quality keywords

Once you’ve established a high-quality platform where your new SEO-friendly content will live, you can now get to work on improving your blog SEO far more effectively. Before you begin producing content, you should do some research into the best keywords for your business, to find which will be the most effective for you.

For local businesses, SEO relating to a specific location, such as ‘lawyers in London’ could be the ideal choice, whereas simply using ‘lawyers’ will be far less successful. Long-tailed, or extended, keywords can be especially valuable. These assume your audience is using Google for more specific purposes.

An example of this would be using the keyword ‘unicorn cupcake bakers in London’ as opposed to ‘bakers in London’. Using these more specific keywords will gain you a more concentrated audience, but each lead will be more qualified then from a generic term. Creating a list of both short and more extended keywords is the next step you should take.

3. Populate your blog with keyword-rich content

Once all of the preparation is out of the way, you can get to the meat of improving your organic traffic; the posting of high-quality, relevant and keyword-rich content. The best way to use blog SEO to increase your organic traffic in 90 days is to have a staggered schedule of content updates. This content shouldn’t be used to replace existing content, though some can be rewrites of existing pages.

This content should be designed around the SEO keywords you have identified and should be written to be informative, knowledgeable and organic. Simply stuffing keywords isn’t advisable, as this type of content doesn’t match the quality required by Google’s rank algorithm.

All content created for your blog should be relevant to what your business is and what you do. As well as including information that is enjoyable to read for customers who click through to your website based on the title or information about the blog post that they find.

As such, every post should have a point and a purpose and include information allowing visitors to get in contact with you. Using both external and internal links is also advised for any new content both to provide further navigation for viewers and to further fall into line with the requirements of Google’s ranking system.

4. Create an ongoing content plan

Once you’ve got your initial content in place, you’re likely to start seeing an increase over time of organic traffic, based on your SEO improvements. But to maintain that rise, and keep your website relevant in Google’s eyes, you’re going to need to keep that content coming.

Compounding existing content is one way to increase organic traffic to your website over time, by taking existing high-quality blog posts and restating them in new and exciting ways. Not only is this an excellent way to include internal links, but it also gets more eyes on the information you want to provide.

Within 90 days, you’ll see a dramatic increase in your traffic based on offering a website that’s continually active, full of relevant content and both engaging and informative to your audience. With all of those qualities fulfilled, your blog will fall entirely in line with Google’s algorithm. Allowing you to rise up the ranks organically.

Combined with pay-per-click advertising strategies, it’s possible for your website to be as visible as possible to a broader audience. Whatever your business area, a concise, consistent and functional content plan can ensure success in the long-term.


Increasing your blog SEO is easier than you might think. With a little time, some insight into your keywords and audience and some great-quality content, you can soon be on your way to achieving the organic traffic levels you want for your business. Keep on creating content, and stay agile with your planning, and there’s no reason that these improvements can’t kick-start an even more profitable future. It’s all about knowing where to start.