Backpacking Around The World Alone For 6 Months In 2004

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’d just got knocked back from Oxford University and felt the whole thing was unfair. The main area I’d fallen down on was the Songs of Experience section of William Blake’s poetry. He was a master poet and I’d learnt extensively about his Songs of Innocence during the school term. Bishopshalt School where I was […]

Lessons Learnt From A Business Partnership That Cost Me £50k

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey guys, So at this time of writing, I owe Stripe 6k, have 4k in taxes to pay and am a former business partner for Pearl Lemon Leads who have 5k per/month in billings from clients he has taken. Assuming he keeps them for 3 months, that’s 15k + 10k in taxes. Furthermore, I’ve spent […]

The Therapist Who Helped Me Find My Sanity, Stability

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, So you’ve heard her name come up several times. Daniela! And I don’t think I’ve actually shared a photo of us together. (Just went through Google photos and found three recent ones. F*ck it I’ll share all of them) Yup, I know. I’m a handsome bugger, right? Lol. As you may remember (or […]

Preparing for a 42 mile ultramarathon

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, Today I want to throwback to running my first ultramarathon. I managed to dig out my old emails with the Might Contain Nuts family (unfortunately their site is now defunct) It was August 2012, and I’d grown somewhat bored with running marathons, so I was looking for a new challenge. Running an ultramarathon […]

Building a 7-Figure Mac App Empire Step By Step – A Strategy Of Mine

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, I wanted to get a little more practical in today’s letter and talk through my plan (for wherever it’ll end up) with building apps and a path to incredible returns. It could all fail of course, but this is what I’m doing at the moment. I’ve been a Macbook user for around a […]

From Recording My First Rap In School To Battle Rapping At A Live Set

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s 11.35 am here in Poppins Cafe near my folk’s place in West Drayton. Here’s me: I’m being mega unproductive with good reason lol I’m listening to one of my old albums on Soundcloud: Road Rap Season 1: It’s crazy to think it’s almost been a decade since I recorded this mix cd. I’m still […]

How I Bought 5 Properties In One Month

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hey guys, Today I want to walk you through my property journey. At the time of writing all the deals are still in progress, so technically I own zero until I exchange. Buying, getting the mortgage in principle, then the offer then exchanging will very rarely happen in 30 days. The whole process based upon […]

Being In A Physically Abusive Relationship; My Nightmare

Reading Time: 8 minutes Maria was a singer I’d found via Facebook within my 2nd-degree network. She looked pretty; she was a singer, and I was taken by her. So, I angled to try to get her to come and record at my studio. After some back and forth she did come, she did record, and then we would […]

Building Deep Impakt Recordings: My First Business W/200+ Clients

Reading Time: 8 minutes ‘Deeeeeep Impaaaaakt Recoooorddinnggs’ crooned the singer outside of my mum’s place as I recorded what would become a minor melody for my studio. Just 2-months back I’d be working full time at Deloitte – sat looking at tax returns. And now here I was with a singer who’d come to pen down vocals at my […]

My Parents Arranged Marriage And My Relationships

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey guys, I spoke a while back about discovering my own relationship disorders which ultimately relate to any type of relationship I got into – whether with a friend, intimate relationship partner or my family. It’s easier to look back at it now and see how ‘the dots connect’. In this instance, the dots I […]

How To Start A Crystal Business On Your Own

Crystal Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes Crystals have been around for years, and they represent various things in nature. For instance, we often associate Quartz stone crystals with love and fertility. Some even associate Opal stone crystals with cleansing and the like. Some just like how they look because these stones are naturally elegant and beautiful. However, no matter what the […]

A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Fitness Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes With fitness being so popular, companies realise its impact on their bottom line; thus, they are investing more and more in this area. Knowing how to start a fitness business can be a challenging endeavour, but it can also be the most rewarding. Start your fitness business with our step-by-step guide – and build your […]

How to Start a Bubble Tea Shop

Bubble Tea

Reading Time: 5 minutes   The demand for bubble tea has grown rapidly over the years, and it is currently the most popular drink among kids and adults, and the bubble tea shop is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It is also one of the businesses that Deepak Shukla established. For those who have never tried […]