Quitting Deloitte And Leaving The Corporate Rat Race Behind

Reading Time: 7 minutes I was an English literature graduate! Getting a job at Deloitte on the graduate tax scheme in 2007 at the height of the credit crunch was like a dream come true. I was among only three people in my graduating class I knew of that had landed such a prestigious job. Hugo had landed a […]

Adopting A Kitten In A Favela In Brazil; And Our Adventures In Rio

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey Guys, I sat around a plastic outdoor table up in the mountains of Rio; sipping a Caipirinha with a group of travellers who were all staying at the same hostel with me; reflecting upon the journey that got me to that table. And would leave me with getting a tattoo on my back of […]

My Dodgy Business Dealings Part 2 – Writing Other People’s Assignments

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey Guys, So you heard about project VIP. Now let’s talk about the shameful ‘Articles and Essays’ that I was involved in some years later. We fast forward now to 2014 and I was living in Northolt with my partner Daniela. I was furiously trying to make my tutoring agency work – Gobsmackers! At Brunel […]

My Dodgy Business Dealings Part 1 – Joining A Pyramid Scheme

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey Guys, I want to keep pulling the curtains back on some things I have done that I’m not proud of – but have still taught me much about business and life and everything in between. Let’s begin with a conference that a girl called Stacey (a PhD student from Aston University I was dating […]

Discovering My Relationship Disorder And The Chaos It Caused Me

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hey Guys, I remember when I made the phone call. It was a part of the evening I always looked forward to. At around 9 pm after I finished school – I’d ring Steven Caswell. He was one of my new friends at Bishopshalt since I’d moved schools and I’d ring him at that time […]

The Story Of How I Met My Best Friend Luc

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey Guys,   The time is 12.55 pm and Luc flew in from his adopted hometown of Barcelona yesterday with his British partner Amy and their two children Connor and Logan. Amy is the British half of the couple, and they’re here to spend the holiday season with family. Luc is Swiss-British but right now […]

The Story Of How I Bought My First Business: 7upsports

Reading Time: 6 minutes In October 2019 I (via Michelle Rubini’s Facebook newsfeed) stumbled into a whole new world of micro-private equity. It turns out that you can actually buy small businesses that are undervalued; improve the business and then scale it. This simple notion of buying businesses absolutely blew my mind. And yet it makes total sense right? […]

The Biggest Business Mistake I Made Through My 20s

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey Guys, I’m 33.5 years old at the time of writing – and in many respects, I’ve been tinkering with ‘business’ since I was 16 years old. There has been Deep Impakt, Deep Impakt Recordings, The CV Guy, Studiobookers, Meet My Tutor (and more) in no particular order. I’ve done and tried a shedload of […]

How I Create An Additional 100 Hours A Week

Reading Time: 7 minutes You know what they say guys – Success loves speed. And this is a fundamental approach that will see you ascend in life. It’s what allows me to work on multiple things at (I hope) a pretty decent level – And I want to walk you through how I do this in practice: Let’s begin: […]

Hitchhiking from London to Estonia, Tallinn For A Stag Do

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hey Guys In July of 2011, I decided to join my future brother-in-law Gary for his ‘stag do’/’bachelor party’ in Tallinn, Estonia. I was a little short on money at that time – being in the midst of my recording career as Deep Impakt Recordings (I’ll go on to talk about my business adventures in […]

3 Steps to Starting a Successful Smoothie Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you combine the convenience of on-the-go eating with the health benefits of a meal in a cup, you get a smoothie. A smoothie business is one of the businesses that Deepak Shukla and our team established. Continue reading to learn more about how we started our own smoothie business! How to Start a Smoothie […]

Running 4 Marathons in 4 Weeks in 4 Different Cities

Reading Time: 6 minutes Running over the years after completing my first marathon back in Chicago became something of a bug, and then it became a lifestyle habit. I still remember turning up to the Chicago start line on race day – and a local runner next to me asked how many marathons I’d done. ‘This is my first!’. […]

Living Homelessly For A Week In London

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hey Guys, In 2011 I’d just come out of a violent relationship and business that I’d driven into the ground – and I felt lost. I was unhappy and in need of a distraction that would completely occupy my mind. I’d sometimes seen my uncle selling The Big Issue in West Drayton, and knew equally […]