Did I Fail Max Carrol?

Reading Time: 7 minutes‘Ok let’s do it, Deepak’. I buzzed with excitement as our Facebook chats transitioned into a phone call and then a face-to-face meeting. We sat there in All Bar One in Uxbridge preliminary discussing going into business together. Finally, there was someone I could potentially work with and rely upon to build a tool that […]
4 Years In And $1 Million In Digital Marketing And Here’s What I’ve Learnt

Reading Time: 6 minutesI woke up this morning and looked at the date. It’s October 2020. Wow. I’ve been at this ‘digital marketing’ game for 4 years now since I started Pearl Lemon back in 2016. There have not been many things in my life where I’ve consistently stuck at it for that length of time. I really […]