What I’d Do If I Lost All My Money, Businesses And Other Means Of Income And Rent Was Due

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe phone bleeped in the middle of the night as I groggily awoke from ym I thought this would be a fun, insightful, and very useful post to write. We’re often taught about visualization. But how many of us think about it a great deal? Over the next 2 emails, I’m going to run two […]
Getting 40% Of My Body Covered In Tattoos

Reading Time: 6 minutesAras bent over my thigh as he worked away, etching Ganesh deep into the back of my thigh. He refused to work on anything that wasn’t a full day and that didn’t contain a lot of detail. He was passionate about all the tattoos he created and becomes a man of extreme focus when putting […]