The End Of 52 Days And Reflections Upon Writing 65,000 Words in 35 Days

Reading Time: 3 minutesHey guys, It’s crazy to think that I only decided I’d start writing this newsletter 35 days ago. It goes to show (me) what you can achieve with a little bit of focus. And what momentum can do for you – given I’ve overshot my original target of 52,000 words. I want to give you […]
My 27-Hour Ultramarathon In Madeira

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt was midnight. What a strange time to be setting off! Sleeping in the daytime hadn’t really happened. But resting had. For the rest, I was counting on adrenalin to see me through. As the event came closer and I studied the elevation and length online whilst in Lisbon my nerves grew. My longest event […]