The Power of Silence, Solitude & Reflection & How to Do It?

Reading Time: 5 minutesHey guys, I realised this morning when I was out for an almost 2-hour walk by myself (more on that later) that this ‘blog’ is becoming more of a journal, which I’ll write in and return from time to time to post thoughts, feelings and ideas that I have This is how I’m happiest and […]
Book Review: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport & 20 Hours of Audible In 10 Days

Reading Time: 7 minutesHey guys Here’s the again and I wanted to share with you my thoughts after reading ‘Digital Minimalism‘ and getting through (according to Audible) 14 hours of book reading in around the last 10 days. Digital Minimalism is an amazing read written by MIT professor Cal Newport about the power of using technology with intention […]